I made a will in 1984 before visiting Israel: loads of good reasons including a young child and finding the right guardians etc.
I have now been permanently resident in France for long enough for my son to be over 21 and many of the other situations in my previous will to have been resolved over time. It would be a good idea to update my will, but if I do it in the UK will it be accepted as my wishes in France?
France has lots of complicated inheritance situations, involving houses, surviving spouses and children .... and will certainly cost me a lot ... but what do other permanent residents of other EC countries think about this and what have they done - if anything?
Advice appreciated!
I have investements in Spain and one of the first things I was advised to do by my lawyer is to obtain a Spanish will. He explained that the law in Spain is different from that in England and that if I did not have a will, my family would almost certainly lose all the family assetts. The will is in Spanish with an English translation along side it.
He explained that if I did not have a will, then all the estate would have to be sorted in Spain, with huge costs involved. These costs would almost certainly wipe out any money left over. He stated that without a will it was a very complicated and complex system they had to follow. The Spanish government laws on this would take huge costs out of the estate.
I must add that my lawyer is a well respected lawyer in Spain, not somebody who just gave out information to make money. As we were already dealing with him, his fees were ridiculously low. I say this because if you have a lawyer in France who has worked for you, then I would expect them to act accordingly.
A good website i found on this forum is the "Lay my hat" forum which has numerous people in France who will be better placed to help you.
But without doubt, get a will in the Country you are residing in and have assetts in.
Good luck
..........when we purchased our Tenerife apartment, we were advised to make a Spanish will at the same time; our English one would not cover any assets overseas.......the price quoted at the time was approx. 200 euros
You might find this interesting reading............
Thanks Bawbee! I feared as much!! Do QuillWills 'do' France too?
that has given me something to think about. Having just bought a new build in Bulgaria I'd better do some research now!
When we had our villa in Kissimmee we had an American will drawn up by an attorney there. It was only a couple of hundred quid and we gave copies to our UK solicitor to be filed with our UK wills. If you don't get a will for the country where you have property it could all end in tears.

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