remember most of the land and property for sale in the occupied north of cyprus belongs to greek cypriots who were kicked out in the turkish invasion of 1974.
those british people who risk there money by buying this stolen property will never be the legal owners.
also most of the title deeds that you will get with this stolen property are fake.
What about the land in the south belonging to Turkish Cypriots that is now in G.C. possession?
under the UN cease fire agreement land both sides of the line should be protected, in the south there are many Greek Cypriots living in Turkish Cypriot property which they can not own.. ( part of Larnaka airport is built on protected land) when a resolution is eventually found the families that have the rights to such property will have the options of compensation or the return of the land..REMEMBER if the British left Cyprus with a workable constitution none of this would have happened,,,as a nation we are to blame
re your comments that their deeds will be FAKE , what evidence do you have of this , and is this for everyone.
This is such a contentious issue and one that people intending to visit Cyprus should be aware of. When we went to Southern Cyprus last, we came across quite a few people who were in fact on land taken from turkish Cypriots. As I have said in other threads, this issue will never be settled while both sides insist that they are completely blameless.
Something in todays paper saying Don't buy property in Northern Cyprus as it's not theirs to sell!
We are not supposed to be posting on this subject!! Posts have been removed from another thread as being too political. I think it is important to let holiday makers know what is going on though, as it definitely affected our holiday in August.
most of the greek land in the north is now being sold of cheap to mainly british buyers who in law will never be the legal owners.
turkish cypriots still have rights in the free areas of cyprus and can claim there land and property back. but the greek cypriots have no such rights in the occupied areas as the north is not reconised by any country in the world except turkey.
its a pity that this situation ever came about. the turkish invasion in 1974 was to protect the 37% of the population which were greece and the cypriot government were preparing for unification.
Sorry, according to the official census of 1973, the Turkish Cypriot population was 18.4%.
ok pubdog...i bow to your knowledge...still doesnt alter the reason for the turks going in though....something like the british invasion of the falklands
May I just remind members to use facts and figures only. Please refrain from using political arguments as this has previously proven to end up in topics being locked.
here's a point of interest i read somewhere.. many of the Muslim Cypriots are in fact of Greek origin this dates back to the Ottoman empire when many Christians changed faith,
May I just remind members to use facts and figures only. Please refrain from using political arguments
Well political arguments are usually based on facts and figures.
And guess what? Everybody has a different set of facts and figures!!
I believe the following to be facts:
The Greeks and Turks lived reasonably happily side by side until the intervention of other countries who had their own interests at heart - not those of Cyprus.
Greek Cypriots have little chance of getting their property back as things stand at the moment - and yes British people are buying property that does not actually belong to the person/s selling it. (Stupid Brits!! more fool them if they really don't understand the situation . . .)
Many Greek Cypriots still have no idea what happened to their loved ones - after spending years having no idea if they were dead or alive - a dreadful situation to be in. Which is why feelings are still so raw.
Turkey has a policy of flooding the occupied area of the island with Turkish immigrants to boost the population.
Turkey is the only country on the planet that actually recognises the existence of "Northern Cyprus". To everybody else it is an occupied territory.
I currently work in an organisation with several Greek Cypriots and one Turkish Cypriot - all of whom have found a life in the UK.
Mad world isn't it?
(Stupid Brits!! more fool them if they really don't understand the situation . . .)
Such comments are not doing this discussion any favour.
Will lock it before it gets out of hand.

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