My friends have booked an all inclusive holiday for 5 days at christmas in ostend, will anywhere be open christmas day and boxing day, also does anyone know how much cigs cost and golden virginia tob please
Thanks Rosie
Golden Virginia tobacco £2.85/4.40 euros for 50 gr packets, usual cigarette makes £27.50/41.00 euros 200 carton, we buy ours at tobacco alley in Adinkerke but I believe prices in Belgium are regulated so they should be about the same everywhere. Went to Ostend just after Christmas a couple of years ago, had a really lovely time but I'm not sure about Chrismas day and boxing day- sorry
We were in Oostende a couple of weeks ago, there are loads of bars and places to eat and a really nice sandy beach you are also about 15 minutes from Brugge by train which is where we stayed an well worth a visit, try the smoked eel from the fish stall at the harbour in Oostende it is really nice, but beware of seagulls they are the biggest I have ever seen anywhere, would make a more than ample xmas dinner
Thanks for replys so helpful

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