hi everyone
Having read information in i think just about every discussion in the forum to try and gather some information on Gao, I am now nervous solely due to the information talking about it being like Benidorm.
I am hoping to visit it for the 1st time and the last thing I was is somewhere similar to Benidorm is any shape or form. Is it still worth visiting Goa for someone like myself who wants nice beaches a quiet holiday with nice meals and not to spend the world although still somewhere to have a few drinks. I have been in Greece, although not any of the big resorts, and the caribean.
Soo much of what I have read is really positive, I only wish from what is written here I had discovered it years ago, although since I am still young would have been difficult. Is it still as cheap as people say and would 400 or 500 pounds get 2 people through a fortnight?
A big thanks to folk on here this is by far the best forum on Goa I have found on the net. Thanks in advance
Do it you wont regret it , there is plenty of Goa to go round if you look beyond the resorts
Any suggestions for places worth going to?
Is it best to book it individually flights hotel transfers (or taxi) seperately and if so where is best to do this, or just go as a package deal with one of the big (or small) tour operators.
the remarks about it being like benidorm are from old hands who remember Goa when it was just two mud huts and is only an exaggeration to make their point that it IS developing.
Even the "busy" resorts of calangute and Baga are still laid back.
as far as money is concerned we've usually taken around £800 with us and brought £350-400 back, and we like to eat well, always have wine on an evening etc.
go for it!
ps just read the other post on here about the benidorm Brigade and understand your worries. Obviousley it was 12 months since my last visit, but can't see that I am that out of touch.
from my experience Candolim is fairly low profile if its the North of Goa you are thinking of.
Yes - Go - Go - Go- and enjoy -- but don`t tell everyone how good it is -lets keep our little piece of paradise to ourselves.
It was also the most relaxed, and laid back of all the 'developed' places I have ever been to.
By and large the majority of people who go there, want to be there and have made the effort - it's almost like an unspoken pact among your fellow holiday makers. That's the best way I can describe it.
As a recent first timer myself, I can guarantee you are not going to arrive in Benidorm. Far from it. Sure, it's not hard core India either but rather a comfortable meeting of familiar and exotic.
I am going back in 2 weeks time!
We also went for the first time last year and absolutely loved it , so much so we are going again in March.
Give it a go
I've been going once or twice a year for the last 12 and yes it does change year on year as many places do. As with all places Europeans and especially Brits including Irish go the locals try to cater for what we want or what they think we want, ????? so inevitably you will see German Beerhouses, English pubs, Irish bars, Roast beef and Yorkshire pud etc etc. Yes there are such places to be "found" in Goa (with the exception of German Beerhouses so far I think) if that's what individuals want but there are also hundreds upon hundreds of Indian, Goan, Chinese and Thai eating place without sports channel Tv's pool tables etc etc and these places are still catering for the tastes ot the vast majority of people who travel to Goa, still not the "Real" India but as near as most Brits will get.
Plmac says it right! Goa is a great place to be. Go as soon as you can! And enjoy it!
Try goa but also have a look at kerala for a perfect chill out place, more information on the indian ocean forum.
GO... I went for the first time for new year, it was fab and i wish i had done three weeks!!! Dont worry about what is being said on here, comparing Goa to Europe, it is nothing like it! It is a perfect place which is well worth a visit now before is does become a HUGE tourist area!
People are talking about how things seem to be heading. There are many more years of enjoyment to be had in Goa yet.

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