Hey folkes!
Am hoping all you Goa enthusiasts can help out me and my boyf!
We're hoping to go to Goa at the end of this month as we've just found a fabby deal on the net, however, since my holidays are never ever this exciting and exotic, I need as much advice as possible!
Firstly, I know that we have to get our visa's sorted out - luckily I live in Edinburgh though so we have an Indian consulate here, so that isn't too much of a stress. I was wondering about jags etc though?? Which ones if any do we need to have?
I read on a website about there being a lot of thieves and robberies and rapes were failry rife????? Please tell me this isn't the case! I doubt it is, otherwise I'd have heard of it on the news, but a wee bit of reassurance wouldn't go amiss!
How much spendign money would you reccomend we take with us? WE thought £300 each for 2 weeks, is that enough or do we need more?
What is the weather like in Jan/Feb time? I'm guessing we're gonna hve sunshine, but do we need stuff for the rain or coldish weather?
Any recommendations on what to do and waht not to do when there??
I'm blonde and fair skinned, am I gonna get followed about by the men like it happens in Turkey?? (not being big headed and saying I'm gorgeous, but when in Turkey it happened a lot as they like the fair skinned/blonde women)
Whats the party/bar scene like in the North?? We want a chilled out holiday but also want to be able to go to a few bars and boogie a bit!
Thats all I can think of right now, I thank you in advance for all your help!!
Goldie xxx
Thieves, robberies and rapes - not true. I'm not syaing there is no crime but you're more likely to be attacked by a tourist than a local.
£ 300 each for 2 weeks should be fine. we spend about £ 10 per day per person on food and drink and we can drink a fair amount.
The weather - sorry to tell you but it will be 32 degrees and very very sunny.
You wont get pestered like Turkey but you are likely to get photo'd by Indian tourists from Mumbai - just tell thenm to bugger off and they soon get the message.
There ar eplenty of bars and clubs that will cater for whatever you want whether it be laid back or a little more lively - Club Cubana is my personal favorite as it isn't to heavy there. Other clubs can get a bit trancy.
what to do...well, the list is huge. Markets, elephants, crocodiles, spice plantations, waterfalls, dolphins, fishing, turtles, deserted beaches, busy beaches, great restaurants, great bars, beach parties - need I continue
Oh.. I forgot....don;t drink the water, do take anitseptic wipes with you for your hands. Take care of the sun, it is seriously hot, take care when swimming in the sea - big waves and strong currents
Rent a beach hut on Ashvem Beach for a night or two. It'll cost about 450 rupees a night and if you're there at ful nmoon you might be luicky enough to see turtles laying eggs and hatching.
Also, visit Hampi if you get the time. It's a two day thing really but well worth the trouble.
What a star you are! Thank you so much for all of your help and advise - it'll make things a lot easier for us and has lowered my stress levels dramatically!!!
Keep an eye on this topic though - may have some more questions soon!
Don't overly worry about being mugged etc.. it is still very rare, and against the locals religion, having said that there is no need to make open displays of wealth, it is better to wear less jewelry and simple clothes. The weather will be fantastic...have a fantastic time
i agree with the last reply you dont need to swear at the north indians just say no and they will probably appoligise and walk off. you will enjoy Goa and not go anywhere else after that. thats how it is for me and the wife anyway

Secondly, I've been travelling to India now for the past 12 years and have travelled fairly extensively throughout the rest of the world and I have never come across a culture where it is acceptable to letch at women, regardless of who is in who's Country.
I'm not speaking of the 99% of Indians that are polite to a fault and simply want to take a holiday snap. I'm talking about the letcherous few that employ a variety of methods to make it seem as though they are not taking photos of my wife's butt in a bikini when that is exactly what they are doing.
You wont get pestered like Turkey but you are likely to get photo'd by Indian tourists from Mumbai
We read about it and thought it would be a problem, only on a couple of occasions in 3 weeks did we get a lingering glance whilst they walked past and no photo incidents at all,
You can choose a sunbed not directlty at the front of the beach but It really is not a major problem.
I agree with the last post, all you have to do is , if you are at the Calangute beach, just walk along towards Candolim, the shacks are a little quieter, theres more room between the sunbeds and 95% of the Indian tourists who pack he beach at the steps never stray far from there. By the time you get to the likes of Dominos or fishermans shacks you'll have left them far behind. I've often wondered why anyone choses to settle on the sunbeds directly at the steps as you will most cetainly be the source of interest for a lot of the daytrippers who have never seen the likes of European tourists or swimwear!! Alan

Welcome to our Goa forum- hope you enjoy it and thanks for the info you have given already!
Thanks for your help on this, I'm sure it'll be fine, its just that when I've been in Turkey it has gotten quite uncomfortable for both myself and my boyf at times! I'm so white anyway that people will only be able to see the sun refelcting of my body, not my body itself!
A few girly questions - Nat I hope you can help me on these!!!
Dress code... i'm a girly girl, I love my clothes soooooo much and the thought of 2 weeks without my stilettos is worrying me already! I've read on this forum that people don't bother taking slighty dressy clothes or silly heeled shoes - is this true?? I know the roads are meant to be quite bad - but I live in Edinburgh where we have lots of cobble streets and can navigate my way over those when drunk! Will I be laughed at wearing high heels? Please tell me I won't, I don't own any flat shoes to take with me!!
Thanks in advance for your help!
Hi again! I love my clothes to but Goa is not a place for sparkle and glam unfortunately!! Casual and comfort is deffo the way forward! we were lucky enough last year to go with regular goa visitors so were pre warned! I basically take bikinis, vest tops and shorts / skirts and flat flip flops for days and more vest tops and little girlie skirts and wedge type sandals or mules for a night....cant live without a small heel for evenings! I have bought a pair of kitten heels for this year which i think i should be ok in!! We tend to go for eats then have a wander around the shops etc on a night so you will probably need something you can walk in.(a far cry from the shoes i normally wear for a night out!!!!) I wouldnt take any good shoes you wish to wear again when you get home as the roads are really sandy with a reddish sand which ruins any good clobber! and they not the best surface to walk on in heels! I have been round the sales and bought some cheapies for hols. P.s dont forget to cover yourself in mozzie spray regularly too! We went through loads of it and its dead cheap to buy out there and didnt get bitten once (luckily). We are buying all our suncream out there too rather than taking up weight in cases and instead of lugging heavy towels we buy the cotton throws out there to put on your sunbed as they dry much quicker and are lighter to carry.xx
Further to the last.... my bloke loves his trendy gear too for going out....he basically took swim shirts , vests and flip floppy type shoes for day and then t-shirts or short sleeved shirts and either 3/4 cargo trousers or shorts for evening. Its still so hot at night.... I took a couple of 'light jumpers'!!! (HA HA) for evening as i am a total wimp in any slight breeze or chill (!) I certainly didnt need them and will be using the space in my case for something far more important this year! We spent the days buzzing about on puck puck's and mucking about on the beaches or going out on one trip or another, and evenings relaxing with a meal and drinkies before a wander about and bed(!). Its surprising how tiring enjoying yourself is! x
Hi! Nats is totally right. Don't worry about dressing up; wedge heels will look best, promise! I think Nats and Fritz between themselves have answered your questions but be assured you will have a good time. As for crime etc, we have been to quite a few different places and think Goa is by far the safest feeling destination. The locals are lovely. You probably will get a bit of a shock when you first arrive but you will soon relax into it all and have a ball. I wouldn't go for a scooter myself; they don't have traffic lights and the roads are mad. It is an indication of how chilled Goa is that the only "road rage" we have ever seen involved an idiot brit I am ashamed to say (although we have seen a few miserable looking cows on the streets).
Wow!!! Thanks for all of that, I told my boyf that I wrote that question and he was almost peeing himself with laughter - boys just dont understand womens love for heels and all things glam! Though now he'll be very thankful as he won't have to spend time looking after me with a broken ankle or giving me his shoulder to cry on when I've realised that one of my best dresses is ruined!
I've got a couple of pairs of wedges that are pretty close to being chucked out so I'll take them. Thank you so much for your warning on clothes getting trashed, I've mentally taken some things out of my suitcase already!!
Can you buy bikinis and flip flops out there easily enough - probably a silly question to ask, but in Edinburgh all we have in the shops right now is winter woolies!
That was great advise on mozzie spray, suntan lotion and the cotton throws, you've helped me lighten up my suitcase already!
I really can't wait to go now, reading this forum is making me so excited, I can almost imagine us out there!
I'm sure I may pop back onto this with some more questions, but for just now, thank you all so myuch for all your help and advise - I really wish I'd found this website sooner!!
Glad to be of some help!! I too have been struggling for summer bits to go and have just come back from a final trip totally fed up!! you can buy everything you need out there really cheap and I wish Id just waited to start with as i will end up buying flip flops etc out there anyway I did buy a new pink suitcase though!!!!.... I just like to try and be organised! When are you going?? We are going next Thursday and I simply cannot wait..... U never know we may bump into each other ! Have a great time... Luv Nats x
If you buy everything you need out there then it gives you a great excuse to go shopping plus you can buy even more because its rock bottom prices and you'll have so much space in the case.
Don't know if you're interested but there is a small stall/ shack next to Ice & Spice Restaurant in Candolim (opposite Casa Sea Shell) that is run by a chap called Shahid. He does a great line in pashminas, top quality and seriously cheap. You have to ask for the good ones, they're not usually on display and then ask for whatever colours you want and he'll sort it for you. I think he dyes them for you but they are very colour fast. We usually bring back 30 or so and stick them on e-bay.
Oh and across the road is a place called Century 21 which sells fake designer wear (male and female sizes) but again they are very good quality, much better than you'd buy here. The T-shirts cost about £ 3 each. I bought a pair of Nike trainers there last March and they've lasted longer than a real pair I bought in the uk.
We like you!!!! Not only have you given me some more fantastic advise - you've also mentioned a way that I can make money when I get back - as I'm gonna be so so skint!!
Unfortunately it now looks as if we're not gonna get there till the end of Feb, my boss is being a big poo about allowing time off at the moment - and I work for a whisky company where business is dead till March time!! I think he's just jealous!
I hope you have a wonderful time out there!

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