Does anyone know the situation on carrying the likes of coffee tables (flatpacked) onto the plane at Goa? Years ago it seemed that everyone was carrying some item of furniture wrapped up in hessian sacking but you seldom see it nowdays, Is this still allowed?
hi we bought a table and brought it home fully made up in a hessien sack as you describe it wasnt a very big table but it weighed 20kilos an extra persons luggage allowance we were offered to have it shipped home from the shop we bought it from (£100)but decided to take the chance ourselves and we had no extra charges at all, thru gatwick to our home town either so we saved the shipping costs, but they have been weighing cases and charging for overweight from uk now so it might be worth the chance to see if you can take it home on the plane yourself. good luck
We have done it in the past with no extra charge but haven`t noticed any one carrying anything through lately,
I think we will take the chance, did you do this recently?
I brought back a nest of tables and a chest table in total weighing 30 kilos and yes we did get stuck at the Goa airport, as we were over by nearly 20 kilos, we paid the lad behind the desk £40 in his back pocket and he let us through with everything, baring in mind out hand luggage was 10 kilos each as we had blankets and budda's!
Did not see it but someone on our MY Travel flight was over (had 45 kilos I think) and got "dragged" off to the office to pay up so luck of the draw I guess
We met a couple who flew with Monarch and they said the two couples infront of them at the check in were both over one by 15 kilos and they just let them through without asking any questions! That was on the same check in day as me!

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