Having for the first time returned from the States since 9.11 - i am just wondering what your opinions are on the security procedures carried out at US airports?
While recognising that security is paramount, and should not in any way be undermined, I was actually quite appalled at the attitude of security staff at Las Vegas (for Domestic Flight to Chicago) and at O'Hare as well.
You could not help but think you were being treated as a criminal. We were a party of six...and first of all an ageing woman at security first took our boarding cards - and then abrubtly declared to two of us - U"u have been selected for additional screeing - u go (as she stares at me) to channel 9 - and too my friend "u channel 7". We were not even given time to arrange where we could meet after security as a group which caused a little hastle after we cleared security some 20 minutes later.
We were told to go thru' a machine - which i knew was to be a "sniffer" for drugs - then our bags ransacked - camera, telephone and even outer bag swabbed - and everything x rayed. Again with little or no courtesy.
US regulations now state that all lighters cannot be carried - I saw at least a hundred in a box - and suitecases for travel to and from the states are now not to be locked! Plastic ties must be put around the zippers so that they can be cut open by security if they consider it necessary. This i understand came into force 31 December? It does beg the question what if you had a claim. Would UK insurance companies accept insurance claims if things went missing from your bags as cases were not locked?
While i used to love travelling to the states, quite frankly, especially with internal connections I think its just now far too much hastle and for one will consider such trips carefully in the future. Far better places to go these days - especially the far east where I for one feel a bit more comfortable.
I do not for one moment as previously stated want to undermine security requirements - however in my experience a bit of training in respect of customer service by security officers would help ten fold in nsuch matters and some US airports!
Anyone have any experiences or thoughts?
I quite agree, manners cost nothing & being in a job that involves working with the public as closely as airport security is, to behave in the manner that you have described is inexcusable.
Returning from Chicago last year via New York, security at Chicago had no problem with my cigarette lighter in my hand luggage, on returning through security at New York after having a cigarette, security insisted on confiscating my lighter.
Most of these security employees work for companies that are sub-contracted to the airport.
Finally, I think these security employees are on a power crazy mission, to try and justify their $5:00 per hour., sorry to ramble on, but these people make me so


They were extremly rude at both airports and are more interested in talking to their colleagues than actually searching. The queues in McCarran were unbelievable for the special searches, the lady there was more interested where I bought my Clinique products !
Why select just a few...if they are so worried about this they should search everyone so the selected few don't feel like criminals.
Or they could do it with a little more courtesy. Manners don't cost anything.
the woman security officer had me standing on a mat which had 2 pictures of feet on. i had to take my shoes and socks of, she then proceded to go all over my body with a baton like thing.
i bleeped around my bra area so i said that will be the wire in my bra.
i bleeped again at my bellybutton area, so i said that is my bellybutton ring, i then had to undo my trousers to show her.
when she was going down my legs my left leg bleeped, i told her that i have a 6inch plate and seven pins in my leg/ankle she then asked me
my answer was if you have got a scalpel and a screw driver i would have a go if that was what she wanted.
some aiport secuirty staff do get a buzz from these checks, though when flying out of boston my dad realised that he had a penknife in his pocket, they said thats fine and let him carry it through with him on board the aircraft, i was allowed lighters too i was shocked at this.. at lax i have been through interview and searches.. it doesn;t take much to be polite i agree, though they are only doing their job and to be fair i wish many other contries and airports shared their same thought plan on this security checking..
The `extra screening`bit is completely random which therefore renders it pretty much useless.The people they hire to do it are not high quality employees and the principle of `Monkey do what monkey see`is what happens.
I agree with the original poster,give America a very wide berth until they get themselves sorted out
Interesting set of replies. At least I am not the only one who things that US Security lack a certain something. I see that no one has commented on the issue of "unlocked baggage". Policy seems to be that plastic clips are to be put on in the event thats ecurity want to open your bag. Have the airlines made this clear yet to all passengers going to the States? I think the whole check in procedure should be reviewed. Once you have your bag weighed, you have to take it to the screening area and leave it - then procedd through the security procedures as described and experienced by others above. Makes the whole landside experience some what daunting.....anyway happy travelling!

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