When we will be in Goa we will be celebrating our 25th anniversary. No parties etc just a nice meal together etc.
Does anyone know if silver is a good buy in Goa. I have no idea about this sort of thing. I would like to buy some sort of a silver gift. Any ideas what is available to buy etc. I would welcome your help and suggestions.
Are there shops etc that deal only in silver? please help if you can and, if poss, throw some light on the cost of silver, if you could.
many thanks.
most of the jewellers sell silver as well as gold and diamonds ,it would have been my parents ruby wedding anniversary in dec though my dad died in 91 so i thought to cheer mum up i would get her a nice ruby set in something but then got to thinking women dont want ruby's so i got her a nice gold chain with some lovely diamonds in a heart shaped pendant there was a tear or two
I hate going into these 'jewellery' shops as I literally have no idea what i am asking for or looking at.
It is a little "crafty" though so don't expect a perfect finish on everything although it is still worth a look.
Prices are usually fixed by the gram, I have managed to barter down but only very little really.
I bought some very good silver jewellry off the tibetans - it was very good value and they are not too agressive.

Here`s a list if your interested :
Month Birthstone Alternatives Colour
January Garnet Dark Red
February Amethyst Purple
March Aquamarine Bloodstone Pale Blue
April Diamond Rock Crystal White
May Emerald Chrysoprase Bright Green
June Pearl Moonstone Cream
July Ruby Cornelian, Onyx Red
August Peridot Sardonyx Pale Green
September Sapphire Lapis Lazuli Deep Blue
October Opal Tourmaline Variegated
November Topaz Citrine Yellow
December Turquoise Sky Blue

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