ive read the hotel reports on here and they look good .. but can anyone tell me:
How far to the shops/restaurants ??
Is it built low, middle or high up into the mountains ??
How far from the beach ??
Any info would be greatly appreciated ..
Thanks in advance
Peurto Feliz are above the commercial centre with alll the bars restaurants and shops. It would take you about 10 minutes to walk down a bit longer walking back as its all uphill. We stayed there quite a few years ago. The beach will be about 20 minutes. Have a look at the pictures bryanandchris.fotopic,net great pictures of the resort
http://www.bryanandchrisfotopic.net these pictures show you most of Puerto Rico and will give you a good idea of what its like. when looking up from the beach your apartments are up on the right hand side
Meant to say Ive just read all the reviews this website and all the other ones on the web and this place looks and sounds very noisy !!! Ive got a 2year old girl and some reviews are saying that you can hear the noise til about 4am in the morning .. and its very very loud !!!
anyone any advice ?? my missus is going bananas with me !!!
Ive booked this thru Thomas Cook .. do you think they could move me to alternative accomodation if i asked ... ive not paid it off yet ??
You can certainly try KKN2003 as long as they have availability elsewhere. You will probably have to pay an amendment fee pp.
I wouldn't worry too much about the noise. you can hear some but nothing too bad, never stopped us sleeping, we are in our fifties and had no trouble.
hi kkn dont worry to much about noise we stayed in terraza mar appartments directly behind c.c we hardley erd anything got a 5yr old she slept soundly your hotel is further up have a nice holiday
have a look on this web site i found really useful when we went its got your hotel on it http--www.rab.c.fotopic.net-c5532 its good
tried to look at rab.c pics lots have no thumb nails to click on but the pics I could see brought back holiday memories. would love to see them all
http://www.rab.c.fotopic.net/ hopefully it should show more pics for you good luck
hi beejay try
thanks thats what I tried and no thumbnails just description no where to click and open pics up only odd ones
Thanks though ... my mind is eased a tad !!! Cant wait to go now

... only about 20 weeks now .. LOL !!!

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