Hi all, i have just booked a 2 week holiday to Goa for myself and 2 children, i have a couple of questions if you can help me!
my son is on my passport, is that ok or does he need his own passport, and what would you reccomend for me to take for the children, any tips?
ie... medicines etc.
thanks crystal xxx

my son is on my passport, is that ok or does he need his own passport
Im sure you can still travel with your son on your passport until either your passport expires or when he turns 16. You will need to declare this on your visa application form but im not sure if you have to pay extra for your son( visa)
Email the london indian embassy, you will get a prompt reply as i emailed them asking about my visa application and they replied within 24 hours
I would say make sure when you arrive at the airport you have kept a bottle of water handy as it can take a while for luggage to appear and it gets very hot and busy.
Children need seperate passports, The info I read said children still accepted on parents passports but I double checked with British Passport office and Indian consulate general in Birmingham and High commision in London. Also they have raised the length of validity from 6 months to 8 months to be left on your passport from the date of return.
Thank you all for your reply's, we go on the 25 March so i had better get a move on, will have to get my son his own passport then

hiya i know for a fact you can take your son on your passport as i took my daughter on my passport and whilst out there contracted an ear infection so had to stay another 10 days and laura had to stay with me as she was on my passport, and first choice put us up in a hotel for the 10 days and i had about 7 months or so left on my passport how long have you got left on it?? it also means you have to get 1 visa insted of 2email me if you want any more info on the subject maggieomx
Hi maggie wish i could have spoken with you earlier, i have been so worried, as when i was getting our visa's a lady said that she had read that a lady had been arrested at Goa airport for not having a seperate passport for her child. Well i got my GP to sign my sons photo, and his school to write a letter saying he was going on holiday with me etc, and again signed his photo! I have another 2 years left on my passport.
not a problem i was real lucky my passport with laura on it ran out when she was 16 so it was time to get a new one for her if she wanted to go away without me, have a good time maggieomx

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