Hi all
Thanks for the various comments about my Kalymnos/Kefalos/Paxos dilemma...have decided to go for Kalymnos.
Could anyone recommend which part and a nice hotel to go to? Ideally looking for a BandB basis hotel on a budget! If not, any other accom recommendations for Kalymnos?
While I'm at it, can anyone tell me good websites/brochures for researching accom in Kalymnos, so far i have looked at Kosmar and Olympic but the choice is VERY limited.
Thanks guys!
What resort are you looking at in Kalymnos? Suggest you try the Kalymnos official site
A word of warning about the flights though. If you get a night flight you will arrive in the early hours and we seemed to have to wait for other flights to arrive before being taken on the short bus ride to Mastahari where we had to wait until 7am for the first ferry. We were dropped at a taverna by the harbour and watched to sunrise from there. I believe it is possible to hire a room for a few hours rest.
On the way back David in the grill on the left on the main street out let us have a room to keep us going up til midnight and booked an airport taxi for us. Spent our last afternoon chillin' on Mastichari beach!
Thanks for all the advice on Kalymnos...have found a hotel, Kalydna Island Hotel, which sounds really nice and has a couple of good reviews on different websites...am now trying to find a travel agent that i can use to book a package hol there...was advised to contact Advance Travel in Kantouni but can't find it on the Internet...am not very keen to book hotel and flight separately as have never done this before and would also need to organise ferry.
If anyone can help with a travel agent that does hols to this hotel, or if not a travel agent offering a variety of hotels in Kalymnos, i would really appreciate it...ideally want somewhere away from the busier part of Pothia, think Kantouni, Myrties and Telendos all sound nice.
cheers again, i'm sure i will get there in the end but am at the stage i really want to get booked up now!
Do it independently - the ferry is dead easy, just turn up at the quay in Mastchari and buy a ticket from the kiosk there. Or buy a ticket for the "fast boat" from the Mastichari Beach hotel one street back from the front. There are at least 3 regular ferries a day between Mastichari and Pothia - no need to book in advance at all. There are taxis from the jetty in Pothia or quite a few accommodation owners come and collect you. All in all it's probably the easiest indepent holiday you could book involving a ferry trip!
As you know, there is plenty of quality accommodation available for very little money on a room only basis - but once one starts dialling in "hotel" and "breakfast" then the issue becomes quite a different one indeed.
Personally, I hardly ever bother with breakfast and so "room only" has always suited me fine - on the odd occasion when I've felt like I needed something to eat early in the day then there are many establishments up and down the strip in Massouri (for example) where more than adequate breakfasts are served - maybe that might be an avenue worth exploring.
Also, you could perhaps mention http://www.johnvilesonkalymnos.co.uk over in that message board. John has quality accommodation available that might be of interest and his vast experience, over many years, of Kalymnos can only ease the worry for first timers.
I can testify to the value of Massouri breakfasts - in one week I put on over half a stone!
Hope that this helps - any more question send me a pm and I'll try to get the answers!

Thanks for all the advice - especially to Elensita, I really appreciate your help and website tips too!
Just wanted to let you know I have booked up - we are off to the Myrsina Hotel in the Myrties area. Anyone been to the hotel/area?
I ended up going for a package deal but would def consider booking independently in the future, after a few more hols abroad i think my fiance would be able to cope with the idea of it!
I am now looking forward to a few months of researching the area, places to go, things to do and especially nice places to eat!
Thanks again all!

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