There have been several posts recently regarding companies that have turned out to be unsafe. In one case there was a winding up order on them.
If you are unsure then it is possible to do a check on them with both Companies House and various credit reference agencies Free of Charge
If you Google the name of the company then you can find the registered office, actual company name as against trading names e.g. Holidays in the sun may actually be Fred Bloggs & Co - and the Company Number.
If you search on either of the two sites below (the ones I use) you should find enough information to enable you to decide any action you may need to take.
It is also worth considering paying by Credit Card. You may not be happy at having to pay a 2% charge but for transactions over £100 you can claim the money back from the credit card company if all else fails.
Debit Cards should not be used as they do not have that protection.
Hope this helps.
Edited by
2006-03-26 15:25:57