Can anybody recommend a good all inclusive hotel with child prices up to age 16 years - any where in the world (I'm not fussy - just careful with money)!.
Hi Tet, Their are not many, their is one in Mayorca, jupitor saturno with FC and one in Turkey with Thomas cook, called the Emphesus Princess. Hope that helps.
PaulineR - Just taken a look at the Paraiso - looks really nice and quite a good price - £3500 for 2 adults and 10 & 14 year old for 2 weeks in august - is their plenty for teenagers to do on site?
Hi tet, the magic hotel groups in benidorm go up to 16. We are booked for aug 2006 and always try and find hotels that go to this age. The best thing about this chain is you have access to all 10 magic hotels and can eat and drink in a different one each day if you want. We are booked into the magic monika through thomas cook. Hope this helps.
Hi tet, we have booked the occidental carribean village in agadir in morocco for next year, have heard some good reports on this hotel. This is AI up to 16 years and also gave us free child places. We booked with eclipse. Weve also been to Hotel Jupiter in Alcudia, majorca, lovely AI hotel, plenty to do for kids and AI upto 16 years.
Hi Tet, can't recommend as such, but was looking for myself and found the following. Club Sun City, Olu deniz with Eclipse. Tusan beach resort, Turkey with JMC. Club Hotel Hemera, Side and Lykia World, Olu D with Thomas Cook. Last one isn't AI its full board plus drinks.
Hotel San Miguel, San Miguel, Ibiza is also another one it is also a Thomson Superfamily. We have been twice and loved it both times. It is great for teenagers, little one and also adults.
I noticed that First Choice do children up to 16 years when staying at a Beaches resort. Still expensive but when pricing up against the other companies, still saves about £3k for two teens.
I've just got back from tenerife, where I stayed in a group of 4 adults, 1 child aged 8, one aged 10, one aged 12 and a 18 month old infant. We were all Inclusive in Adeje at a hotel called Ocean Palace sometimes called Ocean Resort (do NOT confuse with Ocean VIEW or Ocean BEACH). ALL the kida and adults loved it. Good food, clean rooms and VERY safe good kids club where even the infant was welcomed in and loved it.
I booked Occidental Caribean Village in Morocco for myself and 2 15 yr olds for July this year. £900!!!!! with Eclipse, because I got a free child place. Last time I looked FC were still offering free kids places for this year. I will post a review as soon as I return.