Highly recommended, its full of "lively" younger people and you are only 5 minute walk away from peace and quiet should you choose to have a quiet night! You book and have a great time.
And Craven, I think you would like Malia in the Winter months, it's a bit more sedate. Not quite as manic as the summer! Very pleasant on a sunny winters afternoon.
Keith Wilcox
Calypso Cafe
In all honesty I would probably like Malia in the summer as opposed to our 6 months of winter and 6 months of bad weather. Even Laganas and Faliraki would be a better option. Most of my comments aimed at the likes of Malia and the noisey youngsters are in jest.
Having followed the temperatures in Crete over the winter via page 410 (BBC) TELETEXT I reckon you are right, it was 23 degrees on monday and January and February were more often than not in double figures.
Don't believe everything you see about the weather, it goes a lot colder than the weather reports say. In January temperatures struggled to reach double figures, even in the day. I have even had to scrape the cars' windscreen a few times in the mornings. And it has only just really started to warm up now. But it can still go off chilly at night. Still, nothing like the UK weather, Anyway, got to go now, put my shorts on and go for a walk with the dog!
Keith Wilcox
Calypso Cafe
The winter months in Crete I can appreciate do get cold. I have lived in Cyprus on 4 separate occasions and well recall a flurry of snow in Nicosia in late March 1986 and of course some chilly nights around Dhekelia, Cape Greco and colder still high up in the Troodos mountains. I would however swop the British climate for that of Crete.
You have a good time walking the dog, I will be hard at it from 0730 Thu (23 Mar), one good thing is that I am off to Malaga tomorrow for a long weekend with the wife for a few days of sun.
INVALID URL the info on there,
yeh i would go 2 malia in august!It's awesome!Have u clicked on
anton Do not use phone text abreviations ( see terms and conditions) future post may be deleted
You'll love it, plenty to do and very 18-30's !
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