Hi Sally I agree with you entirely. Many of the AI hotels are owned by corporate giants who put nothing back into the local economy. Many staff work around the clock and are paid a pittance. Most are seasonal and struggle to find work in the winter, which is why they are forced to work such long hours in the season. You see nothing of the real country while holed up in these hotels, and for many people, once they've paid the price for the AI, their budget doesn't allow them go out and about and pay for food and drinks again.
I hope all of you who have booked AI have a good holiday. I just wanted to point out that AI is not the great bargain you imagine and that it is essentially to benefit the travel companies and hotel chains at the expense of the local traders, the staff and the holiday makers. The person who doesn't believe that AI holiday makers are hated should talk to the traders and bar owners in St Lucia. This notice board would not allow me to print what they say about the people who go to Sandals.
I didn't actually say I don't believe the locals hate A/I guests, just that I haven't experienced any feelings of hatred aimed at me.
Joolz the original poster of this thread asked if she should go h/b or pay an extra 500pounds for AI with her 16 year old son and his friend. To which we gave our honest opinions and most thought that to give the boys a level of independance and to not be forever putting her hands in her pocket it would be a good idea to go for the AI.
It didn't look like you even bothered to read the original question you just launched into an 'All AI's are full of drunks" rant, and why you took against Pippy who works so hard as a Moderator for this forum I don't know.

I went to an excellent family orientated AI in Greece last year with my OH and kids, we still managed to cover 800kilometers in a hire car and eat out a few times in local settings, and I can honestly say that in the fortnight I did not see one drunk person in the hotel.
I've seen more drunks in the 'brits abroad' type bars in areas around self-catering apartments than in AI's. AI's suit some people whilst others want apartments and eating out which you seem to feel is a superior kind of holiday. We don't all feel that way.
Just IMHO as always.
As I mentioned my major problem with AIs is that they destroy the local economy and effectively devalue the holiday area. The work the staff have to do in these place is out of all proportion to the the pittance wagers paid. Can anyone claim that they actually enhance the local economy. My other point was the myth that they are better value for money. AIs will suit some peoples lifestyle but I think it is worth pointing out the effect that AIs have on others. If you don't accept what I say thats fair enough. I am only saying what I observe and what I see. Please don't try and obfurscate the argument by claiming it is a rant against drunks. It is mainly a rant agianst corporate greed.
I am not an expert on economics but I would have thought that an established hotel that manages to remain open season after season would give more stability to a local economy, than a bar that is there one season and gone the next. Generally speaking the staff in the AI's I have stayed in seemed happy and stay for more than one season. i have not noticed any hostility but perhaps I have been lucky.
I note your second ever post on this forum was to advertise an apartment which you offer for rent, so presumably you also have a business interest in keeping people out of AI's.

I can't believe this, i was following on & writing on a thread about creepy crawlies in Turkey, we were having a bit of a joke about how frightened we are of such little things & you barge in with your size 10's & suggest we shouldn't go there on holiday, (I'm off in 6 days and I'll thank you not to tell me where to holiday).
Now here you are telling people they shouldn't go AI & that basically they are camp sites full of drunks!!!

To express an opinion is one thing, to be rude, downright rude is another.
I also find your tone very condescending, you are talking as if most of the people on here are stupid.
Kim (who IS frightened of creepy crawlies but holidays abroad in spite of it & who chooses a mixture of board options, BECAUSE I'M PAYING FOR IT, SO I CAN).
Please respect one and others opinion, and bear in mind what might be one mans meat, may be another mans poison.
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Kath HT Admin
AI is in my opinion the best way to go on holiday.
Just because you choose this option dose not mean you cannot eat out at the local restaurants.
We like this option as you are not restricted in any way.
Not big drinkers but like to have one or two every night on holiday.
Kids can have all the ice cream they want and you don't have to watch the pennies as its all included.
Also if you get an apartment better still.
Give me AI anytime.

I do like the security of paying everything up front, you never know what is going to happen after you book and start saving for spending money, having to replace an appliance for instance, can quickly eat into savings leaving less for holiday spending, but at least you know that you can still go and not starve

The all inclusive defenders appear to be deliberately missing the point and taking my point personally. My main argument with AI is that decent businesses cannot now compete with corporate giants, not because they offered a worse product but that the corporate giants get their customers to pay for everything before hand. I am certain that all the contributors are good people and respect the locals. I am ceratin they would not like to see previously thriving local businesses shut down, but I'm afraid that happens. If a guy who worked at a hotel said he had to leave when it became all inclusive because the stress was too much is that guy lying. Everything comes at a cost. There is a Roman Proverb which says If I must gain then you must lose. I just prefer the people who are losing to the big businesses who are gaining. Is anyone going to deny that local businesses suffer when hotels convert to AI.
i wonder sallymk1 if its time to give it up as a bad job (northern expresion) i can see your point i totally understand about local economy especially being a regular on the ibiza forum,and i would always go s/c rather than see ibza's economy fail, but at the end of the day (pants expression i know) i have 4 kids and sometimes you have to do what you can afford. im not a fan of all inclusive generally,i think it can be an excuse to serve inferior food and drink with not much decorum,myonly all inc experience was to torremolinos beach club 1998,now this hotel falls in the best and worst all inc holidays threads,its just a matter of personal taste.im still in trauma about the fact that i had to drink coffee out of a plastic glass,and that the wine singed your nostril hairs when you smelled it.i said that i would never do all inclusive again unless it was 4 or 5 star,to cut a long story short we have booked for 1 week in july next year bahia principie tenerife for july next year all inclusive the first time in 9 years,we have other holidays booked also when we will fully patronise the local economy,ps we always overtip wherever we go so the waiter/waitress gets the benifit,no we are not rich,we just appreciate good service
Your first post was along the lines of AI's are the worst thing ever to happen to holidays, with staff run off their feet looking after drunks on their prepaid booze, people missing out visiting places they don't care about. Glorified holiday camp, centre parcs etc etc etc
The 'corporate greed ticket' that you are now touting seemed very much an add on after you realised you were on a 'sticky wicket'.
I am sure the countries concerned would rather have the AI holidaymaker than no holidaymaker at all. Tell me how that would enhance an economy? As people have endlessly pointed out, as a result of your patronising attitude, we do manage to tip staff, visit bars/restaurants go on trips, hire cars (stay sober) etc etc. Its obvious from what you say that you feel AI's are full of chavs, drunks and peasants who aren't capable of original thought. Oh and all the locals loathe us.
In the Greek AI that I went to last summer, 20% of the other holidaymakers were Greek

You rather patronising assume that we do not understand the point you are making, well I've a suprise for you we can, have taken it on board and are making our decisions accordingly.
This is my last (hoorah) message on this. AI will suit some. Most go AI because they have a family and concerned about going over budget. A good reason. Some go because they think its safer which I feel is a perception rather than a reality. Some go because they believe it is cheaper. This is not always the case. I know of two people who go for who the main attraction is none stop drinking. These are very much the minority. In the end all I ask is that where AI has repalced B & B the locals are suffering so tip well and take a few visits outside. I won't convert anyone as I have always found it is easier to change facts than beliefs. Bye
We all have our reasons for going AI.
I am going on my second AI holiday on 4th May, to the same place I went last June (first time back to same resort - let alone same hotel!).
Reson for picking is NOT because it's AI, but because it has sea-view rooms. I think only three hotels in Olu Deniz have sea-view rooms
Olu Deniz Resort Hotel - Konak Block.
Oyster Residence - top floor
& one called the Meri (or something similar, near the lagoon)
Well the Meri, isn't sea front & it's write up isn't that great either.
The Oyster Residence was very new & my research before booking last year wasn't that through because I didn't know then that they had sea-view rooms on the top floor. That left the Olu Deniz Resort Hotel, which has great sea-view rooms just outside the main complex. They are up the side of the mountain & hardly visable from the road.
I also like the Olu Deniz Resort Hotel because it's right in the resort & I'm not trapped in a big complex miles from anywhere & unable to get out & about easily. As I like to try the local restaurants - can I recommend the White Dolphin to anyone

I must also add that I am almost tee-total. as is my husband.
So you see, we do mix with the locals and spend money & we don't go for the pre-paid drink.
It just happens to have the best location in Olu Deniz

Next holiday after could be SC, BB, HB, FB or AI. But the location will be the starting point.
Oh & I don't sit in every evening at the AI bar watching the holiday camp entertainment - as you presume AI guests do, HEY but if I wanted too, I could right because I have paid for it.

My point is don't generalise & put people into boxes, Those AI also bring work to local people, and the staff get tip which ever way.
OK the small restaurant & bar owners have lost out a bit, but all the people who work for them, might as well be in the AI hotel, they will only get wages & tips wherever. I don't think the restaurant & bar owners profit share.
We are all entitled to our own opinions, as I said before you pay your money, you take your choice.
I do not presume to tell you, you should go on AI holidays, please don't presume to tell me I shouldn't.

I am locking this topic now as we are just going round in circles.

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