The BA website states
For uncomplicated single pregnancies, we restrict travel beyond the end of the 36th week, and for twins, triplets etc., beyond the end of the 32nd week. After your pregnancy has entered its 28th week, we ask that you carry with you a letter from your doctor or midwife, stating the pregnancy is uncomplicated and confirming the expected date of delivery. In this letter, your doctor should state that you are in good health, that they are happy for you to fly, and that (in their opinion) there is no reason why you cannot fly.
Ryanair require a Doctor's letter for anyone 28-36 weeks and won't carry beyond that
Monarch won't take passengers who are 34 weeks pregnant or beyond
In all cases CHECK YOUR INSURANCE very carefully!!!

Needless to say, two hours over the Atlantic with the seat belt signs on due to mild turbulance was not a pleasant experience - should have worn pampers myself!!!!!

thanks everyone
Some airlines wont accept travel after 32 weeks so it would be best to check with the airline if close to this date. Doctors certficate usually required after 26 weeks.
thanks everyone..she has decided not to go now when I mentioned egypt
What is the latest you can fly when pregnant, i know there is a limit but cant remember,
Paul, Airline regulations state " women 28 weeks or more at the time of return travel must have a medical certificate of fitness to travel ", Normally after 32 weeks permission to travel is refused. Tonyt.
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