Been for the last 2 years and made great friends out in Goa but not going back, got too much hassle last time, beach sellers were the worst, and we even got stopped by time share sellers, it was like being in Tenerife again. Gonna try somewhere different this year. Must be getting old wanting to go somewhere quiet. Don't be put off thought, Goa is a wonderfull place to visit and explore.
I enjoyed Goa on our last visit but as a lot of you have said the far east has much higher standards hotel wise,similar day to day costs and for the most part the abiity to avoid the dreaded charter flight(first choice excepted).
I also found that on our two week stay we spent roughy the same amount as a two week stay in Thailand.
You also have to factor in the hassle factor in Goa.That just does not happen in Thailand except for a few indian tailors promising to make you a suit for £20 the Thais generally leave you alone to look.
I agree there is something special about Goa but it is a tough old market and us tourists are getting more demanding.Standards are just going to have to improve.To me it is no good just saying "oh thats india for you"it is just not good enough to have one star standards advertised as 4 star.
Take the Spanish model.I am no great fan of Spain but it is only 2 hours away and you have to hand it to them they have learned how to look after tourists.Standards have steadily improved and they are always learning how to keep up with tourists needs.
I am not saying I will not be back next year but last September we stayed in a 5 star hoel in Thailand for £20 per night albeit the rainy season.That takes some beating.
Re Europe as a cheap destination we all know the euro finished that off and now Turkey Croatia etc are desperate to join the club.
Bang goes any more cheap european destinations then.
For us U.K. based bods Spain Greece etcs main advantage is how close they are.For me though although not by any means an expert Thailand takes some beating.
I cannot wait to return - roll on December"
We will be going back next year but will proberly book everything independantly. We plan to spend a lot of time in Goa when we retier its still a great place to stay. We know its a big world out there but we do travel to other places and enjoy them but Goa has a feel of being home again.
I doubt I will return now I have split from my partner of 5 years..tis very sad

I have to do a fair amount of travelling around the UK with my job and the other day i was in Kettering and someone had lit a garden fire and the smell as i was passing in the taxi just took me back to Goa, its just one of the smells that delight your senses.

Sitting in the garden this lunch, it was really warm. I lit a few jasmin josh sticks, had "Incredible India" on the CD and a Honey Bee and Lilt in my hand closed my eyes and for a few seconds i was there.
So YES!!!!!!!! we will be returning for the 7th time (I think) in December and while ever I have the ability and breath in my body i will return; Goa stole my heart the first time i visited and i will eventually end up living there, I just know I will or why else am I working so dammed hard.

The post about the quality of hotesl availaable in the far east is spot on. I doubt I'll be back in Goa next year as we have fallen in love with Thailand. The only way I'll be back is if it is a last minute cheap deal.

We are trying Kerala for the first time this year. We are going for 3 weeks in December but will always go back to Goa for above reasons.

guess what im going back to goa next year!!
We've been tempted but always head back to Goa for all the reasons we all keep doing it!
You must let us know what you think in December.
Will let you know what we think Roma.

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