Can anyone in Admin tell me why there isn't an RSS Feed for the Forum Camping and Caravanning UK and Europe please
I use RSS as an excellent way to find new messages as they arrive without having to open a new leaf or window
We have advised Van to look into it for you and as soon as he is online, I'm sure he will respond to your message.
I would help me speed up my responses
Add this link to your RSS reader:
Thanks Van I appreciate that greatly
hi...van have tried to down load rss unable to do so ....can you help
I use Feedreader 2.90 (a freeware system)
I copied and pasted the link van sent me or from the index page and
Rss feeds no problem

mines Feedreader which I got from
downlaod and instal that then follow the last post and add news feeds
hi again mad cravanner
Sorry to sound like a right pc idiot....I am unfortunatley, but what exactley
It is a means of gathering lots of information from various websites without the need to visit each site individually.

RSS = Real simple syndication.
It is a means of gathering lots of information from various websites without the need to visit each site individually.
Thank you Van. Still none the wiser though.

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