Hi everyone
has anyone know of the Casa Domani
I have had a very good long stay offer £1215. for 4 months B&B
the web site is a bit vague
thanks Lez
£1215 = 103,528 rupees at todays rate which is nearly 900rps a night.
I would want a better deal than that for a 4 month stay. Our 1 bedroom apartment with cable tv, washing machine etc etc, in a resort with a pool, costs us 10,000 a month which is 333rps a night.
Can't you get a better rate out of them if you want to stay there?
Thanks Narial.
This is their website with the prices quoted for the coming season
$US 14 except for Christmas which is 20 a night so
20 x 31days = 600 + 14x 90 days = 1260 Total 1860 $US
put in the currency converter it is £990 so they are overcharging you and you should get a discount for a long stay.
Will have a look in my book later and see what I can find.
Casa Domani is a very small quiet guesthouse, basic and I used to live (lterally) a stones throw away... It's pretty much empty for most of the year up until december when mostly Indian tourists arrive. There's no road access and you have to walk down this narrow path to get to it. It's very safe and for me an ideal area although you can probably get the two bedroomed house (with it's own basic garden with palm trees for maybe 2 thirds the price). Although I don't know if someone has already got the place. If you PM me I can robably find out. But obviously there wouldn't be maid service etc....
Thanks Narial, Rob.
See you have got somewhere - it looks OK as is the price. We walk past there most mornings going to the market so will probably see you.
The link you gave me was the guest house I was looking at

Its getting better in my email today is;
Just waiting on Rob now after all a house must be better than a room

Thanks for your email.
Yes, we do have rooms for the period you mention in
your email.
Taffic for 1 room with attached bath kitchen and
balcony is 500/- Rupees per night. This room is fully
furnished with beds, bedsheets, chairs, table,
hot/cold water,24hours water supply, inclusive of
water & electricity.
The booking are already started for November, please
book as early as possible if you are interested by
paying advance which we will tell u later if you are
Owner of Guest House : Mr.Nelson D'Souza
Tel: 0091832-2276452
http://www.geocities.com/nelmarnest (see guest House
Hoping to hear from you soon.
Have a nice day!
Best Regards,
Nelmar Nest
review page. Hopefully someone can review it for us before lezlie goes!
It is now added to our We know lots of couples who stay in a room with bathroom for the season but it is nicer to have somewhere to make a meal or snack when you get fed up with going out every meal. They buy things like toasty machines or have salad and something and Royal Chicken seems to be a favourite take away meal.
Will have a look on line see if I can find the apartments anywhere.
I can pm you with the phone number of man who has an apartment in our complex - he told he was going to sell it but when we left in April he had not sold it and we have stayed in it for 2 seasons.
I have to agree with narial. Rs 10,000/- is the maximum you will pay in Calangute for a fully furnished 2 bedroom apartment. I know this for a fact and have friends from Scotland who come every year and stay for the whole 6 months. They used to pay Rs 8,000/- till about 2 years back , but prices have gone up a bit. If you look at areas about 8 kms from Calangute which is called Porvorim the price is about Rs 4,000 - Rs 6,000 per month. Porvorim sits between Panjim and Calangute and is a 10 min drive to either places.
One couple we know have been told that their rent of 10.000 a month is going to be 15.000 this coming season as the apartments across the road are being let for 1.000rps night but these owners forget that the apartments are only full during Christmas and New Year. Anyway they have found something else for 12.000 and have taken that.
Have a look at apartments in Porvarim - these are also on the up.

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