Thought this letter might make a good debate.
How do you lot think they should deal with the problem of strays?
This problem is not confined to Goa, it happens all over the world and not limited to dogs. When tourists stop feeding the problem will go away, but not over night.

The animal rescue in Goa seem to do a fantastic job, but it is never ending untill something drastic is done. The thought of all them starving dogs, i love dogs but i think Lez is right we shouldn't feed them, becouse they are just left to starve when we go home. Some of them dogs scared me when we walked past them, but most we saw were crippled in some way

However he was not a threat to anybody - he had rabbies jabs and his bits cut off and so yes I fed him and other dogs and yes I have heard how in the winter they convert to packs of wild dogs trying to get food but what do we expect - this is just survival of the fitest.
I don't believe the tourists started this problem and the wellfare centre are doing sterling work neutering the dogs and in the article it does point out the Goan's themselves, by enlarge, are not helping the situation by letting the dogs mate which leads to more strays.
We domesticated dogs many moons ago as they were useful to us and like us, they are pack animals and rightly or wrongly they are now intertwined with us - so we are all at fault for their dependence on us.
However, I do think at times culling may be a good idea but surely this is a the last option and education, vacination and neutering are the way forward.
Sorry for the rant but my dearly departed dog Fred was from Battersea and a stray (Battersea incidently never put a healthy dog down unless he/she is vicious and I beleive this is the practice of most charties in the UK).
It is my 50th birthday next year at Christmas and I intend to celebrate at Bobby's and at the party I shall pass the hat round for the welfare centre -I have everything I need and don't need presents - I would much rather have people mark the occassion in this way!
It is my 50th birthday next year at Christmas and I intend to celebrate at Bobby's and at the party I shall pass the hat round for the welfare centre -I have everything I need and don't need presents - I would much rather have people mark the occassion in this way
Nice one mate. If I was there I'd give you all the rupees I had. The welfare centre does do an excellent job.

My point is there are so many dogs here, and now all the tourists have gone home there is no one to feed them so they get into packs of up to 30 dogs and will bring a buffalo down, one that a farmer relies on to work the land or rears to feed his family. A young girl died of rabies a couple of weeks back here, and like her family said there is more sympathy for the stray dogs than her. Surely that can't be right.

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