I have noticed a lot of regulars who 'aint been on for a while - i know one who contacted me and said they were fed up with the same posts over and over and people not using serch before posting - hope that problem is now petering out.
Still, there is things to read and questions to answer,can't keep me away,too much of an addict !

Hi, got back on Friday nite, just gathering my thoughts together and will post a report soon. Our friends daughter aged 10 is also going to post one giving her perspective of a childs first time in Goa. Back to the washing!!!
Spike you have hit the nail on the head, read through some of the pages before posting, you will find info on jewellers, shops, taylors, food, restaurants ect ect, even the best toilets in Goa
i am also a addict maybe thats where my problem is spending to much time on ht i check everyday to see whats going on to nosey frightened of missing something
believe me - its not quiet!! We have gone through a 1000 posts in just over a week! However, weekends are a lot less hectic.
So Fiona,still popular as ever - good to see. How about some stats on posts,are we the most used forum on HT ? I keep having a look at the photo gallerie and there are some very good pics being put on this season,and if you have a look at the other holiday destinations we are having the most viewed - que the ''saddo with nowt better to do'' !!
I don't have stats on individual forums but we aren't the busiest! I would imagine that the forum will become quieter come May as the season ends for Goa. We must be one of the friendliest forums though!
maybe the rest of us are trawling the net looking for deals for next year
The roads are quieter too (thankfully) and even some of the busy beach shacks seem to have empty beds.
GFF xx

I must say things have been more than quiet

Hi all the forum has gone quiet thats why I tried to start the thread for funny stories etc.. not much interest yet and its slipping down , there must be loads of tales to tell and they would still be useful info to newbies get your thinking caps on anita

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