Sanji wrote:Well, I only hope that I`m not behind you in the queue.
I am sure you will never find yourself in that posistion Sanji

I consider my Passport to be a VERY important Document and I am now very concerned about the practice. It has not bothered me before, but it does now. You may trust Hotels to keep your important documents safe, but I certainly do not. I hand my Passport over because up until now I thought I had to, but from what it says in my Passport that is clearly not the case. And I still do not believe that a Hotel Receptionist is an 'Authorised Person'. An that is my point.
Sanji wrote:The National Police of Spain require the details because they want to know who is coming into the country
I understand that, but as I say, this thread is not solely about Spanish Customs and Practices. I have had to hand my passport over in Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel and Malta to name a few places I have been to. So we are not really talking about the requirements of the Spanish Police alone.
Sanji wrote:the required information is printed out in Spanish on a form....and believe me, its a pain
I am able to read Spanish well enough to be able to complete a Registration document printed in spanish, but with all due respect this thread is NOT just about Spain. My luggage was mislaid at Alicante Airport once and I had to complete a Lost Baggage Report, and guess what, it was all written in Spanish. But I had no problem completeing the form and my claim was dealt with without delay.
Sanji wrote:If you walk around not trusting anyone, then not only had you better stop going on holiday, but be the first in the queue for ID cards
I never once implied I did not "trust" anyone. But in a foreign country, and NOT just Spain, you have to take reasonable precautions. However, I will most definately be first in the queue for my ID Card which I personally think is a brilliant idea and I support it 101%. I take precautions whilst out and about in the UK, when I walk around, but I walk around because I have to. Why shoud I let my guard down when I am holiday? At home, here in the UK, I could be standing next to a Pick Pocket in the would I know that, but I still have to go to the bank. I could be standing next to a thief in the Supermarket, but I still need to go shopping.......and I am not shopping on line no way.
Sanji wrote:Hotels don`t pluck people off the streets to become a receptionist, they are vetted and a Hotels reputation is on the line here.
I appreciate that, but Hotels do the same vetting with their cleaning staff and all other staff, but I have been in Hotels where some staff have been dismissed during my stay for theft from guest rooms. I'm not saying you cannot trust hotel staff per say, but you should take precautions. That does not mean to say I am not entitled to my holidays.
. Every other aspect does not involve the surrender of a very valuable important personal document. With all due respect.Sanji wrote:you are quite willing to trust them with every other aspect of your stay in their hotel
jimd-f wrote:in Spain, the details are required by the police
Spain must be a very popular choice for our hols, but please bare in mind, this thread is not soley about Spanish customs, but as Mark as said I would also be interested if you could provide a link to a Website where it states this.
Sagres wrote:If anyone intends to dig in their heels at reception and discuss the pros and cons of surrendering their passport(s),
I intend to do just that next time I am on holiday. I'll keep you posted as to where I am staying

. It is not "amazing" at all Sanji. Identity Theft was not a problem on the 1980's. Or if it was it was certainly not as bad as it is now. I am also not questioning the honesty or motives of Hotel Staff....what I AM questioning is are Hotel Staff "Authorised Persons"? And once again, this has nothing to do with Benidorm. This is not a Benidorm related thread Sanji. I am talking about every country I travel to where the practice of surrendering your passport takes place. I know it happens in other countries, and not just Spain.Sanji wrote:I also find it amazing that you have been going to Benidorm since the 80`s and have trusted the hotel staff, but now are having serious doubts about their honesty and motives
. With respect Sanji, I appreciate that, but as I am not aware from where you have obtained your statistics, I can only speak for myself when I say that I am no longer happy with this practice. Whilst it is true to say I have not experienced any problems for over twenty years, times have no changed and I would like to think I could have another twenty years hassle free....but with ID Theft on the increase, well....I think I've made my point.Sanji wrote:There are more passports lost/stolen on the streets by careless tourists and by "break ins," than any hotel losing your documents