This is the first dealing I've had with Seaterra, so far so good.
I will post you more info on my return, watch this space.
in the meantime if you have any info dont hesitate to share it!!!
Several people have been arrested this year at the crossing points.
Property sales in the North are only 'illegal' according to the courts in the south of Cyrpus. They have no jurisdiction in the North.
Property sales in the North are only 'illegal' according to the courts in the south of Cyrpus. They have no jurisdiction in the North.
Not quite accurate - in fact it would probably be more accurate to say that property sales in the north are only legal according to the courts in the north and they have no jurisdiction anywhere else. The courts in the south can't enforce their rulings in the north but apart from Turkey the rest of the world agrees that they do have jurisdiction because they don't recognise the TRNC as a sovereign state and hence don't recognise any apparatus of that 'state' or rulings made by them as 'legal'. In international law an illegal state cannot make legal rulings that will automatically be upheld up elsewhere, especially if they are regarded as contravening 'natural law' ie what most people would consider fair.
If the above quote was true, why did the couple who are being sued in the British courts for the return of property in the north to the Greek cypriot man who considers himself to be the rightful, need to retain Cherie Blair to try and help them hold onto the property they think they own in northern Cyprus? If there was definitely no case to answer in British law then this case would never have got to the courts. The courts here clearly think that this is something that is within their jurisdiction to rule on and that a ruling is needed. If the courts here thought that their title was unequivocal and their ownership legal then it would never have proceeded to a full hearing. Of course if they find against the couple concerned it is still debatable about how that ruling might/could be enforced.
It is the fact that the issue is far from clear cut that means that everybody in a similar situation is waiting so anxiously on the outcome of this case. It will establish English case law and depending on the outcome could open the floodgates for recovery actions from many displaced Greek Cypriots who are contesting land sales sanctioned by the legal system in the north that the rest of the world is agreed has no legal status in the first place. And precedents elsewhere don't look good for them - Jewish and aristocratic owners of land in what became East Germany and elsewhere within the old Soviet Bloc eg Poland are now very successfully reclaiming property that has been 'owned' by others for considerably longer than land and property in northern Cyprus.
Regardless of what anyone individually thinks about the rights and wrongs of the situation in Cyprus the only clear fact is that the legal situation with regards to landownership rights in the north is very ambiguous and people who are thinking of buying there need to be careful.
But remember the north of cyprus is not reconised by any country in the world except turkey so i dont think the turkish cypriot police can do anything to help you .
Also mark ht , why are we not allowed to discuss things about property in the occupied north of cyprus in the ex pats section ?
Is it because holiday-truth carry adverts for estate agents in the north who are selling property that could belong to someone else ?

From past experience, discussions of this nature get very heated. I already had to remove one of your posts a couple of days ago for this reason.
Political discussions are best held on forums specialising in this subject elsewhere on the internet.
MarkJ HT Mod

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