hi DavidH, ive been to marhina dourada often in the last few years and will say that there are many restaurants to choose from if you walk out of the hotel gates take a right go to the end of that road then take a right again you will come to Allspice restaurant(maybe a 10 min walk) it is superb and very friendly. if you take a taxi go into the other resorts(not expensive) there are so many brilliant eateries that you wont know where to start. there is a restaurant next to the ugly bridge, Sublime, (take a taxi and left out the hotel gates) food to die for, run by an englishman.
Go to Goa, enjoy whats there and im sure you will be very much impressed, my wife and i go on Nov 5th for 2 weeks for our seventh time in under 4 years, we cant get enough of the place. Good luck