I was looking for the article that a biologist had written over a year ago about the results of tests he had made on water and sea around the Baga/Calangute area. I can't locate it but it was alarming the amount of 'bugs' (and that's putting it mildly) he reported... high contimanation of E-Coli, Salmonela etc etc.. at levels way above 'safe'. I hate to think how much the levels have risen since then.
I would NEVER swim at Coco beach, I noticed a couple of years ago how dirty the water gets at times. They definately dump sewage in the Neru river, don't believe the lies that the shack owners tell you, they obviously aren't going to tell you how dirty the water is flowing in.
Much as I love Goa, I have never ever been to a tourist destination with as much sanitation and garbage problems (and I've been around). It's easy to turn a blind eye but only till you catch something.
I'm also amazed that doctors never really tell you the real diagnosis for 'sickness' and 'Delhi-belly'. I think they tend not to tell you because you are a tourist and don't want to frighten you so they just give you some pills. If you had the same 'sickness' back home the environmental health dept. would be knocking on your door.
I know India is a third world country but Goa isn't the real India and the tourist industry is making the region a packet. The corruption needs to stop now before a major disaster happens.
I now believe the environmentalists in Goa 100% and if this problem isn't sorted expect to see a big increase in tourist casualties from diseases and 'bugs'. I wouldn't wish whatever I got on anyone (it wasn't simply 'Delhi Belly').