Will be spending 2 nights in Hong Kong as a stopover to Oz. Can anyone suggest the best places to visit in such a short time. (We will have 2 kids with us). How long is the boat journey over to Kowloon?
Has anyone any knowledge of the Metro park Hotel?
Are there plenty of fake designer goods to be had like in Bangkok?
Its been a while since I was there but its worth visiting Stanley, which has small market. Loads of fakes like Thailand to be found in central HK, however, I thought Thailand to be better, but thats probably because I know Thailand better than HK.
We will be there (first time) towards the end of Sept and I'll be doing a trip report when I get back if that'll help.
Hope you have a great time.
I wrote quite a long trip report when I got back from my last trip to Hong Kong here or you could get some ideas from the suggested itineraries on the HKTB website here
The Star Ferry only takes about 5 minutes to get from one side of the harbour to the other and the boats are continuously going back and forwards, just stopping to unload and reload their passengers, so there are no long waits.
Ladies Market has plenty of cheap designer fakes, but the quality isn't brilliant and I think Fiona, the moderator for this forum stayed at the Metropark last time she was in HK, so I'm sure she'll be along soon to give you all the info you need

This is an interesting thread on Q&As infact I may bring it back to the top!)
Nivsys trip report is here
Finally my report is here!

Great idea to bring back the old post Fiona. Hope you get some useful info from it Prada. I have it all printed out ready to go!
Have a brilliant time Puddleduck. China is also on my list of places to visit in the future. Look forward to your reports.
Ocean Park is worth a visit. Especially the cable car which swings over the edge of the coast - scary!

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