Well another report after a fantastic time in Icmeler. Started off badly due to me waking up early and reading the news. Bombings in Marmaris and we were due to go to the airport 6hrs later. Asked the family what they wanted to do, shall we go or cancel? No problems, we were going

Security at Manchester was fantastic and also at Dalaman. 4hr delay so rang home to our daughters and they couldnt speak to me for crying

After 60p in the phone calmed them down and promised i would text them every night and let them know we were ok. Arrived Dalaman and our ICR mini bus was waiting for us, our holiday had started

Arrived at the Blue Rainbow and all our friends at the Amalia pub and resturant had waited for us. Rooms we had requested were waiting for us and views were out of this world. Woke the following morning and straight in the pool, had to it was soooooooo hot

When we returned to our room there was a post card on the bed thanking us for returning to the hotel again this year. They had left a hand made table cloth for us to say thank you, our son and his fiancee also had one. Weather was absolutly fantastic and came home with a lovely tan

Went to the Star Gold Smiths to meet our old friends Linda and Dino had had such a warm welcome from them. I decided to have a ring made and chose an Emerald because it is my birthstone. Dino showed me the Emeralds all differant sizes but pulled out a large one that was very old and 100% Emerald. Of course hubby asked the price and he sais it was £220 but for us £120. Dino told me to return the followinf day and he would put it in any ring i chose for NOTHING!!!!! I can nor believe the amount of 14 carat gold he added for nothing. If you decide to pop round just mention, Jeanette and Paul they will do you such a good deal believe me. Ate in The Old Famous kitchen, The Love Boat, Harrys,Titanic,so many i cant remember them all, most probably due to the Raki

Didnt do any trips this time because we did them all in May. All we wanted to do was visit all our Turkish friends again. Cant wait to return in May. Happy hols and enjoy them as much as we have. Anna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxp.s Thanks to ALL at ICR what a fantasic job you all do. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx