The bombay chalk stuff works best for me, available in all supermarkets. Not for the squeamish though, it leaves them upturned on their backs all over the house........lizards love to eat them and the chalk makes them an easy catch. Is it true that cochineal is made from cockroaches???
GFF xxx
exposure soon cures you of any fears
I think that is the ONLY way to overcome any fears....and research has proved that you become "immune" to them.
I have a Spanish friend who left mainland Spain to work/live in Tenerife and even though she had had some exposure whilst growing up in Spain, it was nothing compared to Tenerife.
When she first arrived in Tenerife, she used to go to bed petrified that one would crawl over her whilst asleep and she encased herself in tight knit curtain netting, with a contraption like a mossie net over her and she tucked the net ends tight under the bed mattress....
She still doesn't like them and never will, but exposure has now enabled her to flick them off furniture and kill them....instead of screaming the place down and breaking out in a cold sweat, like she used too.
She has also suggested to me to get one and keep it in a tank as a pet....looking at it close up behind the glass and knowing it cannot get at you, is supposed to help.
I'm not even going to think about that option

I've just come back from Spain and saw one on its back (dead I hope) next to a huge flower pot in the corridor of the hotel.....
I still have the hubby checking under the beds and I always pull all the bedclothes right back to the bottom of the bed before I get in....and under the pillows.
The bathroom light stops on all aint my electric being used.
I've come to the conclusion that I will never ever tolerate one anywhere near the street and I can cope.....that's just a fact of life that I'm gonna have to live with.....
We all have fears, be it spiders, snakes, heights or whatever, but reading this thread has helped me...... knowing that I'm not alone.

SanJi x
that was how i desensitized myself to spiders, I bought a stuffed tarantula back from the caibbean and hung it on the wall over my computer screen abd looked at it for 12 mths!! it did work!! amazingly up till then i had been so terrified of them i wouldnt sleep in a room where i had seen one until it was caught!! feel the fear!!

we stayed for the first time last year for the whole season and we stayed in three different properties we only really had a problem in the last one and it came as a bit of a shock after seeing the big one in our bed on the first night i decided to clean the flat right through the following day after sweeping mopping etc.. all morning i thought i would finish off by spraying some creepy crawlie spray the previous tennant had left i was quite pleased cos i had'nt seen anything till i sprayed under the sink and four huge roaches imediately scurried out as fast as they could i screamed my head off and ran ahead of them out onto the balcony much to the surprise of a local guy who was up a coconut tree on level with our balcony !!
I bravely searched out all four and squashed them we saw the odd ones over the next few days on their backs they might have come from the loft ?
the problem was i became really jumpy and for the rest of the time we were there ( about 2 wks ) i jumped at every little thing a leaf a fly anything i almost developed a nervous twitch .
we will be returning to this flat again this season for 6mths so i really am hoping i can sleep at night
its great news to read that people manage to flick them off things and squash them rather than run away screaming after a while anita

Edited by
john woody
2006-09-19 15:00:21
i know exactly what you mean!!i became really jumpy and for the rest of the time we were there ( about 2 wks ) i jumped at every little thing a leaf a fly anything i almost developed a nervous twitch

hi chilly we are going back on the 24th oct which is my husbands birthday , we are flying to mumbai staying there for two nights then going on the train down to goa we are renting our flat in agonda its above daisy's beauticians opposite the church hope we dont see any roaches on the train anita
Dethlac may be applied to any firm non absorbent surface i.e Doors, boards, shelves steam pipes, concrete patio etc. DETHLAC dries to a hard clear film which kills insects within a few hours of coming into contact with treated surfaces.
One application remains fully effective for months- you can wash the surface, even with detergents
Costs around £3 for a 250ml spray (got mine from ebay)_ will be using it in Langkawi in December
hope someone find it useful

thanks Goanluv
thanks goanluv will be on ebay tomorrow
Thanks for the advise of Dethlac Goanluv. I went onto Ebay straight and a bought some for £2.99 and it arrived within 24 hours which is fantastic. so thanks again.

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