On our return from a pleasant night out we bumped into a couple well into their second week in the hotel. They asked where we had been as they couldn't find anything nearby!!! They had literally turned left out of the hotel, walked 50 yards or so and returned to the hotel. These people will go home and say there is nothing to do in Malta!
We sat a while with another couple who 'usually go to Spain' (their words) In the vicinity were newish apartment buildings and old Maltese houses. They said, "they should rip all these old buildings down and build new apartments"! I explained that these were Maltese homes. They said that they made the place look scruffy. Maybe they are happy with purposes built resorts and they will go home with a bad opinion of Malta.
Another group we met had been there 2 weeks and not gone further that the square in Buggiba. They bemoaned the fact that there wasn't any decent beaches but didn't want to catch a bus to Golden Bay or Melliha.
A woman in our hotel complained bitterly to me that her room over looked the pool and was noisy at night (the evening poolside entertainment finished at 11,30 prompt) I asked if she had asked to be moved to a rom away from the pool. She said she couldn't be bothered asking. She just seemed happy to complain loudly to anyone who listened.
Another couple said that their room was dirty but hadn't said anything to reception.
WE had a fantastic time in Malta (as usual) After 20 years going usually twice a year we still find new places to visit. This year we didn't even find the time to visit Valletta!