http://www.nojetlag.com/ whilst i very much doubt that the remedies are much more than a waste of money theres some other tips for what causes it and how to avoid it etc.
To be honest dont really suffer with it going out to Goa but coming back its a nightmare doesnt matter what time we goto bed i am waking up at 3-4am for work
normally lasts for at least a week or so.
Check out To be honest dont really suffer with it going out to Goa but coming back its a nightmare doesnt matter what time we goto bed i am waking up at 3-4am for work

Not sure about cures but I find it helps to put your watch to destination time as soon as you board the plane and get used to that being the "real" time.
Agree that it's worse coming back but perhaps it's that you can just fall asleep on the beach after the outbound journey.
Not sure if this is a remedy but we always just go straight in to Goan time (or where ever else we are) and whilst it means not enough sleep on the first day after that we are fine. Coming home not sure always too fed up to notice

If anyone finds a cure for jetlag patent it and become a millionaire over night.
I always change my watch to Goan time as soon as I get on the plane, this seems to help. Also try and not think about the time back home for the first few days.
Try going to bed an hour later than normal for 2-3 days before you go. by the time you get there you will only be a couple of hours behind instead of 5.
Hi scrumpy...i cannot see the problem of been on the balcany at 4.30 drinking either kings or honeybee....thats what Goa is about.....hope you sort it out ???It happens to us all.....ha ha ha
lol i live permanantly on goan time, think the answer is for everyone to work nights!!!!
I never suffer from jetlag going to Goa, I just feel tired after the flight and am fine the next morning. Coming home is a different matter, I suffer from it really bad. I cant understand it. I read somewhere that jetlag is worse when you fly west. I thought it was an old wives tale but I am beginning to think there might be some truth in it.
I suffer with it coming back home only. But I find it only lasts for 12 months
lika previous post I,ve noticed that whatever direction I travel in, either east or west the jet lag returning home is always worse than the going out on a trip,me to think that a large part of the jet lag problem is psychologal Alan

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