I mentioned Italy more because of a conversation i had with a business partner, it was not really going to be serious unless i got feed back and the lack of it in that sense just makes it for me.
I have been to spain loads of times and help my mother buy her house there, and with the pain of moving

and what a pain it was.
We have a sort of offer of my mothers partners property for us to have rent free but paying bills. (yes im aware these things are almost never true) so if thats the case then we shall use it as a base till we find an area we like and a property we like.
This is my way of finding some areas that other people have been to and like, i will then look and decided for myself.
Its funny how things can suddenly happen without you prompting it at the right time. We have one of those flyers about people in your area want to buy a house like yours(yeah right

I phoned them anyway he comes rounds tell me my house is worth much more than i thought(

) but yes he does have a customer with chain behind so who knows could it be fate as they say.
if they offer enough we will rent till next year then move.
Thanks for your and everyone elses opinion, it helps.