Can any one explain why we are getting quoted a higher price for 11 seats than for 2..
It is a flight to Antalya in September, and its for 10 people plus 1 child. Also can anyone recomend a good place to book 11 seats to get the best price??

Forgive me as my maths is appaling, but surely if you want to pay for eleven seats then its is going to cost a lot more for eleven seats then it is for two seats as you are requesting another nine seats.
Now if you were asking why you are receiving higher quotes for an eleven NIGHT stay as opposed to a 14 night stay....did you mean two weeks perhaps......then that I can understand.....but you clearly state eleven seats......don't you?
Or do you mean each of the eleven *individual* seats work out more expensive then the two *individual* seats? And therefore you believe you should be entitled to some form of discount as you are making a block booking of so many seats in one reservation?
Your question is not very least to me. Sorry.
Or have I totally misunderstood your enquiry

On some flights there are only a very minumum of seats available at the lowest price and this may be the case in this instance.
Is it a budget airline? The less seats left on their plane they seem to increase the seat price.
If there is a phone number on the website you are booking through it could be worth ringing it, they might clarify how to get the best deal. You can then go back on-line to book if that proves the most economical.
This might be a case when it could be worth going into a high street travel agent and seeing what they can do for you. As it's such a large booking they might be able to come up with something. Good Luck.
The reasons given vary from it's an internet error to the flight was suspended from booking, but is now available again..
I always thought that you got some discount for bulk, I can't understand the reasoning behind it or get an explanation from First Choice.

Judith wrote:(Some people are far too pedantic with their replies)
I was not being "pedantic"......I was merely trying to say that I did not understand the question that the member had asked. And I was trying to ascertain what they were actually can that be percieved as "pedantic"

But I am sorry if my reply has been misunderstood.
It is probably worth contacting Customer Services Direct
Airline Passenger Services 0870 757 2757
regarding the fares for a "group" on the offchance that you can get one free place or similar. Group fares won't ordinarily be offered either online or through an agent and you should go direct to the airline for these
However it LOOKS from what you have been saying that your request online has exceeded the number of "cheap" seats allocated to that particular flight, so some will be at the cheaper fare, and those that have exceeded the allowance of cheapies, have been quoted at the higher fare - which obviously bumps all the averages up!! As with just about every airline in the sky they will only sell a small percentage at the lowest fare, and once those have gone, the price climbs until closer to the departure date when they reduce fares to offload empty seats.
Give First Choice a call - and let us know the outcome.
this happened to me last year when booking Ryanair flights . first i checked the price for a single adult which came out at around £40 for the one person but when i tried to book 6 seats they wanted around £85 each person. 6 seats had obviously taken me up to their next price bracket. the system did let me book 5 seats tho at the cheap price so i booked them for us and put my mother in law on her own booking at the dearer price. I think Judith and chris are right . the more seats that get sold means more demand and up goes the price. I believe with ryanair as an example the first so many are sold at a given price , then the next so many , then the next.
In this particular case, it may be worth contacting First Choice as suggested. But bear in mind that while you wait for a response, fares may continue to increase as availability continues to decrease.

I book flights regulalry and have done for about 5 years. I cannot and will not ever understand the reasoning or lack of it as to why the prices vary so much. I fly approx 4 times per year to different places. I go Benidorm every year and have booked from 2 to 8 people at various times and they have all benn different prices, I have also booked well inadvance thinking it would be cheaper, and then the prices have been less, a week or a month later and then more expensive nearer the time of the flight! I am going to Paris in May and Hamburg in July and have booked the flights. My daughetr has decdied she may join me in Paris and the flights have gone up £40 in two weeks. The chances are they may drop before the time????
I also went to Amsterdam at the end of November with a group of work colleagues for the weekend. We assumed that becuse we were booking for 13 people we would get some discopunt...not so....When we came to book individually ...over a period of two days, we paid different prices???(only 5 or 10 pounds difference). We all paid on average about £80 return. At the airport one of the group had really messed up, thinking that she had booked and hadnt (she did not have a booking reference) ...she is a bit dozy!. She was charged for the same flight there and back £275.00! We were given various reasons was becuase of baggage weight (she had a bag weigihng 6 kilos?) We were also told that it was becuase the seats that were left were is a different price category (work that one out!). I also belive that the last minute booking thing has died a death (unless it is with a travel agent). My daughter thought she may come with us to Amsterdam and checked regulalry for the flights to alter, but they just kept going up and up.
As I'v said I dont think that us minions will ever find out why they do it...and I dont suppose that any airline is going to share with us the way that they see as best to make a profit.
Good Luck
I bet thas really made it clear to you now!!!!

this happened to us with a BMI baby flight we tried to book for 2 adults and one child and the seats were approx £100 each - 2 more people decided to join us and every seat went up to just over £140 each if booked through one transaction - we ended up doing two seperate bookings.....
However, Ryanair know you know that if you go down the make 2 bookings route there is a chance, albeit small. that you get the first booking but not the second !

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