Hi All,
Just a thought maybe a good idea and Bit cheeky (Maybe) but i think it's worth getting the ball rolling, I'm going to Goa March and will be taking my mobile phone to use a local sim as suggested by other users of this forum, I intend to buy a sim when i get there, if i can't get 1 elswere.
when i return i am willing to pass it on to somebody going after I return I will pass the sim telephone No to the next user who could pass it on to there UK contacts should they need to be contacted.
My question is if anybody is due back from Goa early march and has no further use for there sim pass it on, and if other Goa forum user do the same, there should be some around next time you go yourself.
I return on 27th March so if anybody needs a sim going Goa after say the 10th April, Mail Me, First to Mail me and i'll post it to you free of charge.
just 1 less job to do when you get there just need to top it up.
Regards Peter

i'll be gratefull for your sim vegasone, would also be gratefull of its No, so i can pass the No to my kids so they could contact me while i'm over there in case there's any prob's.
I have some as well. if anyone wants them, let me know
il take you up on that offer if its still available,,be handy for the kids to get in touch when were there ,,we go the 4th march ,thanks for the offer xx jan
I have sent it today cordex, the number is +919890585863
Text calls to the UK are Rs5/- (about 16p). Texts within Goa are Rs0.25/-.
Making a phone call back to the Uk I would still use the many pay phones.
i gave my sim card to my taxi driver tom and he is going to use it till i go again next year and then he will give it back to me whist im there to use and then i give it back to him again! when i leave so i have a card ready for me when he picks me up from the airport,
AMZ - by the way... You mentioned that it cost 5 Rs/- to send a text to England, but you then put "(about 16p)" - 5 Rs/- is more like 6.5p. It made the text's sound expensive...
I think you should all know that a sim card runs out after a month if its only for 300 or 500 and you havent used all your credit. Number is blocked. To unblock you must buy a minimum 300 rps card. And, if you want it to work for longer than 6 months ie next years holiday you must buy 3000 rps card. I think 1000 lasts for up to 6 months. Also this year they are asking for id photos to get a new number.
So does anybody have a sim they have finished with and would'nt mind passing on, it saves the headache over there.
Regards Pete

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