Booked our Holiday in January /Feb via a tour operator, the flight timings were perfect leaving from our local Cardiff airport then Amsterdam/KL and Langkawi . KLM have changed the flight times 6 times in the 6 months from booking and yesterday we were notified that they had cancelled two flights both of which affected our flights there and returning- they expected us to be happy with waiting 32 hours going out in Amsterdam, and 28 hours in KL returning, they would not budge they would not provide accommodation, we basically liked it or lumped it. This led to 36 hours of wondering whether we should cancel all together ....stress!!!!!!
Fortunately the company we used to book everything Holidayplease agreed with us that the timings were completely unacceptable and re booked us but going from Heathrow on Malaysian airline. This is an added expense as we will have to get to and from Heathrow with a possible overnight stay. Nothing to do with us stated KLM even though when we booked with them in Januarly/February flights from Heathrow were at least £150 cheaper This led to 36 hours of wondering whether we would have to cancel all together
I was warned by a couple of forum members in February that KLM?Royal Dutch were unreliable, I didn't listen I wish I had.
thanks for listening
Lyn x
We had a holiday booked months in advance with KLM flights, only to be told when we arrived at the airport to check in (5 hours before our flight was due to leave) the flight was full and only one seat left!!!!! Apparantly they are notorious for overbooking.
We did eventually get our two seats but not after we had endured a very stressful 4.5 hours beforehand. No matter how much complaining we did they were just not interested.
As I understand from other members of this forum, if a flight is moved by more than 12 hours you are entitled to some sort of reasonable compensation (I'm sure others can shed some light on what that would be). As the situation was resolved through the travel agent, it might more hassle than it's worth but I would think you could at least claim back the extra cost of travelling to Heathrow.
'The thing is as KLM have offered to move the whole thing forward a day at no extra cost so they are sticking to their part of the deal by
offering an alternative within 24 hours. I know this may not be ideal for
I thought the rule was 12 hours, not 24, but perhaps I'm wrong (I don't think I am, though). I'm curious as to what "part of the deal" the tour operator thinks KLM are sticking to? I'm sure the deal wasn't that your holiday would be a full 24 hours later than scheduled!
I'm trying to work out what category of appalling customer service this is!
1. Is this a package holiday as defined under S 2(1) of the Package Holiday Regulations?
2. In which case S 12 is in relation to significant alterations (and your the flight time alteration is definitely one of these), and S 13 are consumer entitlements re such alterations.
3. I think the best you can expect is a total refund of the package cost having been given 4 - 5 months notice of significant alteration. As to the finer points of possible compensation, what do the booking conditions say about significant alterations? (This by the way is where I think the 12 hours will come in . Less that 12 hours re flight time changes is not deemed a significant alteration.)
4. If it isn't a package, I read it that you have canceled KLM and are now traveling Malaysian Airlines. Looks as if KLM have done all they need to do - fully refunded the flight cost. I couldn't argue a case for compensation, more's the pity!
This site below lets you read and write reviews of airlines.
Thank you all for your advice- It is a package that was booked but providing there is enough time between flights for transfers (am waiting for confirmation) we are happy with the new arrangements
I have just come back from holiday and I booked my flights with KLM. I have to say that I was impressed with the service. We didn't have any delays, if anything we landed early when we came back into Leeds/Bradford. I was also very impressed with the on board service, the cabin crew were very efficient and very helpful.
Only one small problem ..... they cancelled our original flight 3 weeks before we were due to travel and moved us back by a day. Thankfully we were staying with friends so it wasn't a problem but I would have been seriousy annoyed if we'd had a hotel booked.
cheers Lyn
Have to say having just flown both ways with Malaysia air Im glad that KLM Royal Dutch messed us about. The flights with MA were as good as they get, loads of leg room, good inflight entertainment and reasonable food.
Thanks for the update. Glad you enjoyed the holiday/flights.
Several recent reviews here, mostly good
Just shows you how stress and annoyance can affect what you do !!

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