Well..... I booked with FlyWho in September 2006 to fly in May 2007. I got a great deal because I paid up front.
As a result of the Watchdog program I emailed FlyWho (4 times) asking for reassurance that my flight will go as it is linked to a cruise.
Each time I send an email I get an automatic response saying that they will respond ASAP - the first email was sent 7 days ago and I have not had a 'proper' response.
On their website they state that they will not deal with aggressive/abusive callers. I have not been aggressive or abusive and they just ignore me!
I also contacted ATOL who told me that FlyWho had yet to apply (at that date) for their license and until they do they won't go anywhere.
The only comfort I have is that my money is safeguarded by ATOL as when I booked FlyWho's license was still valid.
But, I want to fly with FlyWho as it represents great value but they have got to come clean on the situation - ignoring customers will not help them.
End of rant
Jeff Dean
Watchdog, "we are a Christian company, with Christian principles". Make of that as you will.
According to the boss of Flywho , when interviewed on If you have a cruise booked in May I would seriously look at another alternative to getting there. If you leave it late the scheduled prices could be high.
Few people think Flywho will ever start.
Kind Regards
I have just looked on the Flywho website and they are showing an ATOL licence (6962) which is issued to a company called Go Visit Ltd. Does this mean that you are protected if you book with them? The one worrying thing is that there is still no answer to the question "Is my booking protected by ABTA or something?"
I am afraid for those of you who have paid money to them, that thei9r web site seems to have gone
I have just had a look round on the net and it seems that Flywho's website has been out of action since at least January 4th. So no technical glitch, more like the end for the company. I shall try ringing their phone-number tomorrow to see if anyone answers.
I have rang the company and have been told that ALL flights have been cancelled and they aren't taking any more bookings. So yet another false start for Flywho or is this finally the end ?
Think its finally the end this time round. The cabin crew that were taken on and in training have now been laid off.
They advised me that I would receive all on my monies paid by 31st January 2007.
Today is 30th January & I have received nothing!
It's a shame really as the service they planned was a winner and no other airline (charter or scheduled) could match it.

Talk about reverse logic ! Of course the company has received bad publicity. It has let down too many people too many times. They promised flights which never materialised and took money off people who then had the devil of a job getting it back.
Truth is they never had an Air Operators Certificate, never got hold of an aircraft, and never signed an agreement for another airline to operate flights for them. This should have been done before any start date was announced. They never really had any credentials.
The idea was good and could have worked. The execution was terrible.
As I recall, when they had their cabin at the Travel show there was a documentary crew following the start up of this airline. It would be interesting to see this documentary, Rather like a "Flying Armstrongs" at a guess..