We booked a late deal with TC in August last year to Cayo Coco, Cuba. It cost us £3212 for 2 adults and 2 children, the holiday was at a 4* resort called Gabliota Playa Coco, we later learned that Gabliota means government run. Anyway the hotel was only 2 years old but was in a bad state of repair, it was more a 2-3* than a 4. We complained to our rep within 48hrs of arriving stating how disappointed we were and that we found the staff rude, the hotel run down and several other complaints, she offered to get us a price to move, she came back with £1200 which we really couldnt afford on top of what we had paid nor could we justify that to move to another 4* hotel on the islands so we stayed put for 7 days by which time we had all been ill with travellers tummy, we hadnt eaten in the resturant for 2 days and on the days we did the food was dire and often not available, the staff became more rude only being polite to you if you tipped them, we went back and complained again and we didnt care what the cost was we were moving hotels we really couldnt take anymore. we paid £600 to change hotels, the hotel we moved to was lovely and indeed of a 4* standard and worth of the *. I visited the doctor in the hotel as after 7 days I still had chronic stomache cramps she promptly me put me on anitbiotics which cleaered up the problem within a few days. At the new hotel we were approached by several guests who told us they had moved from the same hotel but we discovered they didnt pay to move they were moved immediately upon arrival and complaining about the run down state of the hotel. Upon our return to the UK we wrote a 4 page letter of complaint to TC stating everyting in full. We heard nothing back from them I emailed the letter and sent it recorded delivery just to be sure they got it either way. When I called them up some 4 wks later they said they hadnt had the letter so I called the office I sent it to who told me they had sent it on to the main office within 4 days of it arriving, well this went back and forth till eventually some 13 weeks later they concluded that we deserved a there there letter and a TC voucher of our next holiday, needless to say we sent the voucher back and told them that we were not satisfied with that and wanted to know why we had to pay,again some 10 weeks passed so we decided to take it to ABTA we wrote telling TC this, then today a long patronising letter arrived along with a cheque for the £600 we paid to change hotels. Basically they said that the rep feels the hotel is to standard but they apologise that we had to pay to move. What they dont get is within a 14 month period we booked 3 holidays with TC to the sum of £10k now...and all they can do is re-imburse us, the fact of the matter is we had an awful holiday, we were all ill, i cried on numerous occasions as i felt like i was at butlins more than the caribbean. i dont feel the brochure is a true discription of the hotel abta said to quote to them ' the package holidays regulations 1992 and state you are seeking natural and consequental losses'
What I want to know is does anyone think it is worth our while declining the cheque and seeking more compensation or to cut our losses and never travel with TC on principal.
You were right to return the original voucher offer, as to have acceptred would have been the end of the complaint. The same applies to this cheque - I'm sure you are aware of that as well.
I think you have a strong case in so far as the hotel clearly wasn't of a standard that complied with the brochure. This appears to have been reinforced by your meeting with several other passengers who were also moved. Did you by chance get their names/contact details ?
The offer to repay your costs of moving places you in the position you sought after that first week. However, you were offered the chance to move after 38 hours, albeit with a £1200 cost attached. This you refused and it could be assumed therefore that you either felt the original hotel was "not that bad" as to justify £1200 or that you really couldn't afford the additional spend. You did however spend the £600 after a week.
When you submitted the claim after 48 hours did you seek any compensation at that time - or simply demand a move to hotel that better fitted the 4* description ?
Have you any clear idea as to the amount of compensation that you feel would be appropriate for the first week of your stay ? How about claiming £600. This appears to be the weekly cost of the move to an alternate hotel - as charged by T.C.
Write and tell T.C. you require £1200 in total. Explain the logic I've described here. Mail using the "signed-for" service so you KNOW they have received the letter. Give them 28 days for their response.
If they fail to agree then you will need to seek legal guidance. Ros is great, call her on 01922 621114. If you feel you deserve more than the £600 refund plus £600 compensation for suffering the lower class hotel for a week ring Ros to see what she suggests.
Personally, I'd skip the tummy issue as this could have been contracted at any hotel anywhere in the world. Focus on the provable shortcomings of the first hotel you stayed at and the comparison with facilities/services against the second as the brochure implies BOTH to be of equal star rating.
Let us know the outcome please.
Hi Violet, I noticed in Thomascook third addition brouchre that the hotel had changed their AI description, so i did a internet search on other hotels and now we are going to Lykia World in Olu Deniz, we looked at the Delphin Palace, but its very Russion, but had better activties than Barut Lara Beach and cheaper, but due to the lack of English their we decided to go to Lykia World, i went back to the TA and asked to be changed and they said to change it would cost 7 pounds per person per change intead of 15pounds, but the flight is a night flight instead of a day flight, but i had a better discount at Lykia World we had another 60pounds discount on top of what we already had, good luck with Thomas cook, if i was you i would just change hotelels or ask for a full refund, but on the other hand if you want to go to Turkey Thomasccok are the cheapest on the market.
She booked a Villa in Majorca. She booked a particular Villa which she saw when she was there the previous.
Reasons for booking is that it was in the resort and had 4 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. They also booked 2 hire cars.
Her inlaws were going with them making a total of 4 adults and 2 childresn The cost was £3250.
She wanted to be able to go out in the evenings and be able to walk home etc and her inlaws would look after the children on occasion.
When they arrived in Majorca she was told that she could not go to the Villa as there was work being carried out.
They were to go to another Villa which the Rep. said was a lovely Villa and just as good. It was only 3 bedroomed. When they were being told how to get there she realised that it was well out of the resort.
She immediately told the Rep. that she didn't want to go there. The Rep said no other accommodation was available.
They went to the Villa which had 3 BR's and only 2 bathrooms. The back door didn't lock the dishwasher and the washing machine were broken.
They had arrived late in the evening but the next am the went to see the the Rep. and asked to be moved.
They were told there was no other Villa available
The holiday was a disaster as her Father in law didn't want to drive there. They has to all go out together and wait on each other as she and her husband had to drive. They were not able to go out in the evening except for 1 night they took a taxi.
To cut a long story short she asked for compensation and after writing a lengthy letter she received a reply to say that they had been offered another Villa.
They then offered them £600 which she refused and then they offered I think £1000.
In the end she asked for a complete refund and compensation for the ruined holiday.
She commenced proceedings in the Small Claims Court and they then offer £2500. She refused and they asked for holiday photo's. She refused and said that only if the Court asked for them would she supply them.
About 2-3 days before the court case they offered her the total cost of the holiday plus £600 compensation and she accepted.
She has got a law degree and knew that in law they had a water tight case for breech of contract. All this took almost about 9 months and she was sad they didn't get their day in court!
thanks for the report of your daughter's success. Perhaps you could persuade her to offer advice on here. Well done to her.
Morally and emotively I agree with you to some extent Sue, the hassles suffered by Beanie65 warrant some refund.
My only concern rests with the fact that they were offered an alternative hotel after a day or two but declined this due to costs. Having accepted the offer to move after 7 days I'd guess they could have difficulty attempting to seek damages for the second week - they were in a hotel that met the advertised criteria - although I do feel they should be repaid their transfer costs. With regard to the first week wherein they chose to stay in the original hotel rather than pay the £1200 (then) transfer cost - this differes from your daughter's experience in so far as she had no viable alternative but to accept the lesser facilitied villa.
I'd still stick with a £1200 request, accepting nothing less than £600. Alternatively, if might be possible to argue that the first week was a write-off and should be compensated in full (so half the cost of the package to be refunded) plus the £600 transfer fee £2206 to be refunded. Without the threat of legal action as per your daughter's example I'd doubt they would get anywhere on that size fo claim.
Fact is we only endured the hotel because we didnt have £1200 to move at that time. We most certainly wont book with TC again and if this was to ever happen again we will endeavor to follow procedure as laid out in the terms and conditions.

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