Not sure if in allowed to talk about anything that is not holiday related, so I apologize now mods if I have overstepped the mark, but....has any ht members managed to get tickets for 'Take that' in either newcastle or manchester, if so have you spare (2 if possible) I have spent 8 hrs on the phone and the net, but no luck yet. Could someone please put me out of my misery, please pm me if preffered.
Try on this site. They have a ticket sales/exchange forum. Any members with excess tickets will sell at face value. Much better than ebay!
If you have no luck here then try ticketline anf ticketmaster in the next coming weeks as they will resale their excess tickets ie over allocated or those who's credit cards didnt go through.
Try on this site. They have a ticket sales/exchange forum. Any members with excess tickets will sell at face value. Much better than ebay!
If you have no luck here then try ticketline anf ticketmaster in the next coming weeks as they will resale their excess tickets ie over allocated or those who's credit cards didnt go through.
Sorry but gonna have to lock this one.