Having been diving in that area over the last 5 years, I've yet to see any Piranhas!!!!! In fact, the state of the sea fisheries in that area is very limited due to the high salinity and historical over-fishing, including illegal dynamite fishing (nearly burst my ear drums on one dive). Seriously though, there are very few fish species which can cause you harm in that area of the world. All the fish species you are likely to encounter in the shallows around Icmeler are far more scarred of you than you are of them. The most likely species to give you the little 'nips' are juvenile Sea Bream or Wrasse. They tend to look for scraps as you move your feet around in the sand / shale and I guess they sometimes see a part of your leg as something worth having a bite at. They won't do you any harm, just nature taking its course. Don't forget you're in their world, invading their territory. Some species are very territorial and will defend their part of the sea bed if they see a threat, Damsels are well known for this.
Anyone ever see the resident Octopus in Icmeler? He was there for years up to they built the marina extension and dumped the dredgings close to the beach. I don't know if he managed to escape of not, but his home was well and truely destroyed. Shame on the authorities
PS: I work in fisheries