I have just paided off the remander of my holiday to Majorca for me my wife and my son. He is going to be 2 when we are away on holiday. Booked the holiday with my travel and entered in my sons age etc. When the holiday was booked I assumed he would get a seat on the way back as he will be 2 years old. But the itinary states only 2 seats on the way back. Is this a mistake or can 2 year olds sit on your knee. I dont want to contact MyTravel unless I have to as we seem to have got a bit off the price for this and I'm happy to have him sit on my knee. My only corncern is that at the airport they tellus he cant fly. Has anyone had a similar experience before?
If I was you Id get straight on even though you have been charged less...........how would you feel if you get to checkin and they say he cant sit on your knee yet there is no ticket for him.
Maybe theyve made a mistake when taking the booking, I know when we travelled they asked us what age the child was on the RETURN date of the holiday but if there has been some mix up I would rather get it sorted even if it means paying a bit more......you wouldnt want your holiday ruined through someone elses mistake.
Let us know what happens, hope you get sorted without having to pay extra!!

Not sure if this will help, I took it from the mytravel website.
What are the child/infant ages?
An Infant price will be charged for all children aged 0-23 months. If your child is 2 years old on or before the return flight date a child price will be charged.A child price (if applicable) will be charged for all children aged 2-16.
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I think you may be best clarifying it with Mytravel.
it seems odd that you have only raised the matter once you have for the holiday. A 2 year old must have a seat and I am sure they will charge you for the return as if you use the inbound seat they cant sell the outbound.
I would get in touch but I think you will have to expect to more. In this day of computerised systems though it should have picked this up from the date of birth.
Kind Regards
Glad you concur Stewart, its what I thought having taken 4 children away at various ages over the last 20 years

He has been rightly advised to contact the travel agent to correct and clarify the matter.
Just a thought.....Will there be a seat for him on the return journey. The flight may already be full! Check now before it is too late.

I was giving him the best advice I could having brought children away for the last 20 years...........and I was doing it with his best interest at heart, as I felt it would be horrible for him to arrive at the airport and no seat for the little one.

Also said that someone had obviously made a mistake but that if he kept quiet he might end up spoiling his holiday for want of a few quid for a ticket.
We come on here to help, not to judge........

Thanks for the advice everyone. I have been in touch with MyTravel and they have admitted their website was at fault. The site has now been fixed but previously it did not verify a childs age. Leading to problems when people booked children who turn 2 on holiday. They have offered to pay for half the additional cost so i will need to stump up some extra cash (£120) but at least its now all sorted. I am a bit annoyed though as I think when this fault was discovered they should have contacted all people who may have been affeceted instead of just waiting till they notice the issue or turn up at the airport on the way home and have no seat.

Yes of course they should have come to YOU considering they discovered that a fault had occurred in their website...........perhaps it would have been a nice gesture if they had paid for the ticket
But at least they met you half way, and you dont need to worry about it!!
Now you can look forward to your holiday

A couple of the posts read as though they were admonishing Paul for trying to get a free flight rather than asking for advice. On reading my post I too sound a bit 'severe' - it is a problem with this type of communications (guess I must have had a bad day!)

what can i do to stop my three year olds ears popping on plane?

There is a whole topic related to ear problems here
I would recommend children's Earplanes, available from Boots and other pharamcies. My niece wore them after having severe ear pain on a previous flight and they worked a treat.
i will bear that in mind luci thanks or that. we dont go till september but i think its good to have things organised months in advance saves a lot of panic nearer the time!
What we find works, is very simple- give them a lolly to suck. Chuppa chups are good. What you are trying to do is equalise the pressure- the action of sucking the lolly and swallowing seems to work a treat. Even us adults have them!!
I will close this one now to prevent further duplication.

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