Does anybody know where i can purchase a gas BBQ in Tenerife (South) I would like a link to a web site if possible in order to price it up prior to travelling next month. i would be interested if anyone has one for sale.
Sorry cant help with a BBQ. But perhaps you can help me. I am looking to buy in the next 6 months, and hoped we could buy various items mail order off the internet and therby avoid having to pack them. Do you or anyone else have any experience of this. Oh and I hope you get your BBQ. Thanks
sorry rickybear but we bought all of our stuff over there by going to the shop. (Mainly IKEA)
We found that gas BBQ's on Tenerife we very expensive so we bought one here and took it over with us. We flew BA, packed it well and they put it in the hold for no extra cost..

Thanks for that,
We are in the North of the Island and get the gas bottles from the local garage.
Hope this helps
I am going to buy one from B&Q as it will fit into a couple of suitcases dismantled and will be under the weight limit.
I'm envious of you then!!! Here in Lanzarote, you can't get a gas bottle at the petrol station unless you have one to trade in
Sounds strange as the locals must be able to get them in the first place!!!!
this was issued after the appliance was inspected to make sure tha installation had been done properly
hoses on regulators have still to be changed regularly you will see date printed on the hose
if you are going to use barbie on an appartment terrace again find out from communidad if this is within the rules you may invalidate your insurance if not
You can buy gas BBQ's in "El Fek" (yes Fek) along the road from Chafiras hardware mega-store in erm Las Chafiras, next to the Hypadino supermarcado

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