hiya everyone,
i had a holiday booked for the 29th of this month i was supposed to stay at the nuramar apartments for two weeks we was so exited as this was the first time for us abroad we had saved and had everything ready, the tour books the long nights on the net searching for the perfect places to go and then out of the blue on thursday we get a phone call to say that we have had a building site put up right next door to us. i was absolutely fuming a week before we go and everything goes wrong. i had to literally threaten suing before they agreed to move us and to my horror there was no where at all for them to put us , we now have to go to portugal in a hotel we didnt choose to a place we have no idea about. does anyone have any advice for us as we didnt want to cancel as the kids was looking forward to going on sunday.
any advice would be really appreciated.
xx ladyt
I can imagine the anger and frustration that you are feeling. There will certainly be those on here who can help with the practicalities - perhaps you can tell us who your tour operator is and where the Nuramar appartments are for a start.
It might have been worse to arrive and THEN find out about the building site ............ but I am sorry that you feel so strongly especially with all the planning and anticipation.
Try to think of your kids - the holiday will still be a good one if you can adjust to where you find yourselves, and Portugal is a wonderful country with lots to do and see and good restaurants and bars, even if they're not where you thought you'd find them.
Wait for the advice from other members, and give Ros Fernihough a ring on Monday - she's a travel lawyer who helps HT readers.
There WILL be positive things about your holiday, so do try to get over the shock as quickly as you can, and make the best of it. I'm sure you will enjoy yourself more than you currently think you will. ATB, Alsa xxx
thanks s much for your feed back the nuramar apartmens are in calan bosh, and our tour operater is thomas cook who had the attitude of , oh well its nit us going on holiday its your mess and we dont have to deal with you its just a good job our travel agent is a lovely person and helped us loads i would love to have the travel lawyers num if possible it would be a great help to know where we stand on a legal point of view especially as this is our first time abroad ever. thanks again so much xx
Ros Fernihough's number is 01922 621114
thank you glynis i will do xx
I am not sure where the building can be taking place. It must also affect customers of Viva Menorca and they are next to each other and the only bit of spare land I can think of is at the back of them both.
The weather will be better in portugal at this time of the year also!

what is the name of the hotel and where in Portugal is it.
hello again , im going to be staying at the estrela do vau hotel/apartments heard its nice and yes it does sound better than the nuramar but.... as you can appreciate when you buy something yourself if it goes wrong or is horrible then you can say oh well i will choose better next time but this time we have had it completely taken out of our hands it was either here or pay 6000 pounds to stay somewhere else and i dont have that kind of money . i am still really upset at the fact our first holiday abroad could be such a cotrastrophy and so stressful im still waiting for our t.a to confirm that our tickets will be waiting for us at the airport . i dont know what i will do if we arrive at the airport only to be told that they have no idea what we are talking about. im so fed up with it all and am still on tenterhooks . our first holiday should be a special experience not a shambles and stressful one. i just dont know how to feel . if it wasnt for the children i would have thrown in the towel by now.
I am sure you will like it once you are there.
There are a few reviews here
Hi Miss lady, I am sure will like Portugal, Have a look on this site for reviews of your accomodation hope the link works.

I have repied to a few of your questions on the Portugal forum, but just wanted to day try not to worry.
I am sure it must be very nerve racking going abroad for your first time ever especially when taking 4 teens.
Sorry to here Thomas Cook has messed you about so much, particularly as you are a first timeer. I can't beleive the only alternative they could find you on Minorca was another 6 grand

My personal view having been to both is that the Algarve is probably going to suit your budget better as we found Minorca more expensive than the Algarve. Hopefully that helps a bit.
Sorry about the bad spelling the edit buttons gone.
We are looking into going to Calan Bosch now but what sort of building work are they doing? Or is this confined to just one hotel?
so sorry that i cant give you any more details.
thanks again for everyones support and advise it is greatly appreaciated .
xx lady t

you have got an alternative holiday and its better than just turning up at the original place and having the holiday spoilt by building works......
twice this has happened to us, make the best of it and i am sure you will all have a lovely time, portugal is very nice, hope it goes ok.......
xx ladyt

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