Anyone ever watch this?
Whats are your thoughts on the program?
Hi.I think programme gives the costas a bad name,Never mind all the good bits.All the crimes happen in the uk anyway.
I think if you went to any resort in the height of the summer there will be trouble of this kind. This programme takes an entire summer and then condenses it down. Most of us are not like that! My son works as a bouncer for a night club in Bournemouth and he sees just as much there as anywhere on the Costa de Sol. If you're sensible it's easy to avoid the troublemakers.
it is utter rubbish.For people who have never been to Benalmadena,it would put them right everthing in media they show only the best or worst of things.and it was filmed over a period of time,and shown in a few programmes.I,m sure if they filmed every town in the UK at weekends they would get more problems than be honest i feel safer in Spain,than in my home town ,the police are able to do more to the trouble makers than here.take it with a pinch of salt,just be careful like you would anyway
One thing the programme does highlight is the danger of the n340 road. everyone BE CAREFUL even if you visit the place a hundred times a year and you know every nook and cranny, always take care, i know the damage and hurt that can come from a car accident, always use the crossings, sometimes it feels like they are taking forever for the green man to come on, just be patient. We want to keep making happy memories of the costa del sol, too many lives are lost on that highway each year. Keep safe!!!
The same thing happened when the moguls decided to give Ibiza the benefit of a TV program about Ibiza. Focus on the bad things, never a mention of all the lovely beaches and coves. The locals and the ex pats were united in their condemnation of the program as some were interviewed but the program makers in their wisdom edited to such a degree the thing was lopsided.
I'm just glad we went to CDS before seeing this program. I really liked the place and didn't see any of this trouble! If I'd seen the program first I doubt we'd have gone!
I have justed watched the re runs of CDC and must agree with all other posts, i have walked passed 24hr Sq after midnight and yes lots of teenages are there having a good time, never seen it but sure some have loads to drink get into fights over stupid things BUT this happens in all large towns, however i feel safer there than my home town, and when put to the test the police donot stand for any cra p whatsoever, wish our police were given the same rights...maybe thats what the UK needs....
what channel is this one and when? Not seen it.
It doesn't have a specific time as they are repeats but I often see it on Bravo!
goin to benemaldena at the beginning on july. Then came accross this programme one night. Me & another 3 girls are going, we are all in our 20s. It looked abit rough&put me off a little but still hoping 4 a good holiday and think you all might be right about it only showing the bad parts.
Just be carfull and always have a mate with you if out walking late at night!
i had a pub in fuengirola for 8 years,1 mins walk from the london pub where those irish guys were stabbed as shown on the show,and i know the pub where the other guy got slashed later in the series,in carvahal
my advice,dont worry,these things are rare and as long as you are not stupidly drunk you will be ok
you have to remember the tv crew were following the police,so had access to any trouble asap for their cameras
me, in 10 years here the only thing i have hit when drunk is a tree
roger/not gill

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