4 Reviews
Traveller Rating
Very Good1
Review Overview
9 months ago
We have been here for the last 2 seasons. Fabulous clean apartments. Great land lady. Small but clean splash pool. Towels and bedding changed regularly. More like home from home.
Travel operator: Apartments
11 years 7 months ago
We stayed at this hotel recently and were charged 10 lira for soiling towels with sun lotion that we never even used then she tried to charge us 30 lira for bedsheets. We put in a written complaint against the staff members behaviour and we were told by Michelle at Icmeleronline that we would not have to pay anything and her behaviour was not on. We bought our own towels and used them. We did not have the bedding changed for the last week of our holiday and we have photo's to prove all this. We have been informed by people staying there in the past that she (the owner) has been fleecing people for years to get extra money for the same scam.
Travel operator: Icmeleronline
11 years 8 months ago
We had our annual 2 week holiday in Icmeler and stayed at Ikiz apartments. In our party was myself, my husband, my 3 sons (aged 13, 12 and 6), my parents and my Father-in-law.
These apartments were extremely clean which was great. Although I do believe the lady who run's the apartments had a cleaning fetish has sometimes she would be cleaning and hosing the pathway at the wrong time of the day when guests were on their way out for evening meals etc and you had to walk on her wet path to go out of the apartments while she was still cleaning it!! One evening we had left the apartments to go for a drink at the bar across the road and my Husband had left his phone in the apartment so he sent our 13 year old son back to apartment to get it for him. My son had to cross the path which the lady was hosing down to go to the apartment to get the phone and then again to bring it back to us. When he returned my Husband had forgot his wallet too so sent my son back again to the apartments to get his wallet. Again my son had to cross the path which the lady was still hosing down to go the apartment to get the wallet and then again to bring it back to us. When he got back to us with the wallet he said the lady had told him he can't go back again!!
The same lady wasn't too happy when we told her we didn't want the air-conditioning (at £5 per day) as it was over our bed and very noisy during the night plus my 13 year old son ends up with a cold sore and I end up with a cold when we've had the air-conditioning on before so we thought it would be better not to have it. My parents and father-in-law also decided not to have the air-conditioner on too so she wasn't happy again!!
When we have been to apartments in Icmeler before when we run out of toilet roll we would tell the receptionist and they would give us another roll but when we asked this lady she said no toilet roll you get toilet roll from shop. So ok that's what we did this wasn't too much of a problem.
On the first day at these apartments I asked the lady for her menu for food she said œI no do food I do drinks you want food you go across the roadso we would go to the same bar across the road and get a plate of chips and a drink. Later on during our holiday the lady complained to my Mum that nobody buys drinks from her!!!
A few days into our holiday we decided to book some trips one evening with a local agent called Simon. We were happy with the trips we had sorted out and went back to our apartments for an early night as the first trip we had booked (the boat trip) was for the next day. About half an hour after returning to our apartments, Simon turned up saying that because it's end of Ramadan all the local's had come to Icmeler to celebrate and the trip we had booked for the following day (the boat trip) was full so could be swap this trip with another one of our trips. We had no problem with this and agreed to swap it for the Jeep Safari trip. So Simon went away to swap our trips. Then about 1 ½ hours later the lady from our apartments with a man from the Jeep Safari trip and who couldn't speak English came knocking at our door. The lady wasn't happy that she had been woke up and had to translate for the Jeep Safari man saying œJeep Safari full no trip tomorrow. I said OK can we swap it for one of the other trips. The lady said œyou book more trips, no good, no good, you go back to trip place tomorrow and you get all your money back, give me your money and I sort trips for you. I didn't like this idea but said ok just so we could go back to bed. We decided that we would get up the next morning and after breakfast go and see Simon and hopefully sort our trips out. But before we had chance to have our breakfast Simon came to our apartments apologising and wanting to sort our trips out. So we all went into my parents apartment and sat round the table to discussed it. Unbeknown to us my Mum thought she heard something behind the door so she went to open the front door and the lady from the apartments was there with her ear to our door!! She wasn't expecting the door to open and was extremely surprised when it opened so as she was already looking down towards the floor she quickly pointed to the floor and said to my Mum œlooky looky and pointed to 2 little leaves on the floor!!
In a morning when it was a trip day for us we would wait at the front of the apartments for the bus to take us on our trip. The lady from the apartments would always ask us what trip we are doing today so we would tell her. This particular day when we said we were going on the Jeep Safari she said œoh no mucky mucky and when we arrived back at the apartments later on that day she was already there wait with her hose pipe and she washed all 8 of our feet and bottom of our legs down with the hose pipe before she let us into the apartments!!
Outside each apartment was a row of little round holes in the wall and when he looked into the round holes there was all the electric meters for each of the apartments so the lady could see who was using electricity and if they were using a lot or a little.
My Father-in-law likes to have a few coffee's in a morning when he gets up before venturing outside. So he would boil the kettle, make his coffee, drink his coffee and boil the kettle again for his next cup of coffee and so on until he's had enough. The lady from our apartments would walk straight into his apartment without knocking and pull the plug of the kettle out of the wall and say to him œtoo much coffee, no good, no good.
On an evening when we got back to our apartments my 13 and 12 year old son would sit with their Grandad, my Father-in-law, for ½ an hour before going to bed. One evening one of my son's had been to the toilet and left the light on and my other son had been in the bedroom and left the bedroom light on. The kitchen light was on because my Father-in-law was boiling the kettle for a cup of coffee before bed and my son's were in the lounge area with the lounge light on. Suddenly the lady from the apartments stormed into the apartment again without knocking and started knocking all the light switches off saying œtoo many lights, no good, no good.
During the day at about 1 “ 2 o'clock in the afternoon the lady from the apartments would tell my children to be quiet when they were playing in the pool. Myself and my husband did on a few occasions ask them to be quiet ourselves as they were getting too noisy but this was our job and not hers plus they were on holiday and sometimes they wouldn't be making a lot of noise when she was telling them to be quiet!!
When pool area was suppose to be open from 9am til 6:30pm but at 9am the lady from the apartments would be still cleaning the pool and pool area and it was closer to 10am sometimes 10:30am before our children could get into the pool. When it got to 6:30am the lady from the apartments or her Husband would come to us whether we were in the pool or just sat on the sunlounger's and tell us œpool closed now and we had to go into our apartment. But on saying this on 1-2 occasions her Husband did let us stay there til 7pm before telling us œpool closed now!! So we would go and have a lie down or nap in our apartment before getting ready to go out for our evening meal. But as soon as the pool area was vacating the lady from the apartment would start cleaning which started with knocking each of the numerous sunloungers onto their side making a clanging noise which kept you awake before hosing and wiping everything down!! One morning the lady was hosing the pool area and the cleaning lady actually slipped and fell in the pool!!
Our first day at the apartments I asked the lady if there was free wifi/internet access as everywhere in Icmeler seemed to have free wifi/internet access. The lady from the apartment said œyes but you pay £5 english pounds per week so I decided £5 per week wasn't too much money and agree so I got wifi/internet access on my mobile phone and on my laptop but it only worked round the pool area!! Then the day after we arrived at the apartments I asked the lady how much the safe in our wardrobe was. She said £2 (English Pounds) for day. So I worked out that over 14 days our bill for the safe would be £28. We actually only had the safe for 13 days though as we didn't get the key or ask for a safe til the day after we arrived!! When we went to pay the £28 (1 x £20 pound note, 1 x £5 pound note and 3 x £1 coins) for the safe 2 days before the end of our holiday the lady from the apartment's husband said they only accept notes!! If the lady from the apartments had told us £15 english pounds per week then we would have paid £30 but after they way we had been treated throughout our holiday and the fact she had told us £2 per night then she was only going to get £28 from us. So the first opportunity we got my Mother put £28 english pounds infront of the lady and said œour safe money. The lady just shrugged her shoulders!! Later that evening when we returned to the apartments my wifi/internet access had been cut off even though I had already paid for 14 days access! I believe this was cut off because we hadn't paid £30 for the safe!!
Another evening we had arranged to Skype my niece back in the UK to make sure everything was OK back home etc. We all sat around the couch and on the floor infront of the laptop which we had positioned on a chair infront of everyone so that my niece could see us all via the laptop camera. We all got excited see her on the laptop and had a long chat with her but when we got home/back to the UK my niece said œWhen you Skyped me who was the grey haired lady in the window behind you all? My niece described the lady from the apartments, who unbeknown to us most have been nosing through the window while we were Skyping my niece!!
On our last evening before we flew back home/to the UK the lady from our apartments came knocking on our door. My Husband opened it and the lady said my Husband had broke one of her sunloungers!! My Husband went to have a look and there was a small 2-3 inch crack on the head rest part of one of the sunloungers. My Husband immediately said œI haven't done that. She insisted he had and returned to our apartments 10 minutes later with an interpreter and a bill for £196. My Husband told the interpreter that he hadn't broke her sunlounger and he had asked myself, his Father and his Mother-in-Law and Father-in-Law and none of us have broke that sunlounger. This lady slams these sunloungers onto their sides so she can clean them so she could have cracked that sunlounger herself!! The interpreter just said œI'm not getting involved then and walked off. My Husband gave the lady her bill back and said œI haven't broke your sunlounger and I'm not paying that!
We didn't let these incidents ruin our holiday though and we did really enjoy Icmeler but only stay at these apartments if you haven't got any kids and have a cleaning fetish yourself.
We had our annual 2 week holiday in Icmeler and stayed at Ikiz apartments. In our party was myself, my husband, my 3 sons (aged 13, 12 and 6), my parents and my Father-in-law.
These apartments were extremely clean which was great. Although I do believe the lady who run's the apartments had a cleaning fetish has sometimes she would be cleaning and hosing the pathway at the wrong time of the day when guests were on their way out for evening meals etc and you had to walk on her wet path to go out of the apartments while she was still cleaning it!! One evening we had left the apartments to go for a drink at the bar across the road and my Husband had left his phone in the apartment so he sent our 13 year old son back to apartment to get it for him. My son had to cross the path which the lady was hosing down to go to the apartment to get the phone and then again to bring it back to us. When he returned my Husband had forgot his wallet too so sent my son back again to the apartments to get his wallet. Again my son had to cross the path which the lady was still hosing down to go the apartment to get the wallet and then again to bring it back to us. When he got back to us with the wallet he said the lady had told him he can't go back again!!
The same lady wasn't too happy when we told her we didn't want the air-conditioning (at £5 per day) as it was over our bed and very noisy during the night plus my 13 year old son ends up with a cold sore and I end up with a cold when we've had the air-conditioning on before so we thought it would be better not to have it. My parents and father-in-law also decided not to have the air-conditioner on too so she wasn't happy again!!
When we have been to apartments in Icmeler before when we run out of toilet roll we would tell the receptionist and they would give us another roll but when we asked this lady she said no toilet roll you get toilet roll from shop. So ok that's what we did this wasn't too much of a problem.
On the first day at these apartments I asked the lady for her menu for food she said œI no do food I do drinks you want food you go across the roadso we would go to the same bar across the road and get a plate of chips and a drink. Later on during our holiday the lady complained to my Mum that nobody buys drinks from her!!!
A few days into our holiday we decided to book some trips one evening with a local agent called Simon. We were happy with the trips we had sorted out and went back to our apartments for an early night as the first trip we had booked (the boat trip) was for the next day. About half an hour after returning to our apartments, Simon turned up saying that because it's end of Ramadan all the local's had come to Icmeler to celebrate and the trip we had booked for the following day (the boat trip) was full so could be swap this trip with another one of our trips. We had no problem with this and agreed to swap it for the Jeep Safari trip. So Simon went away to swap our trips. Then about 1 ½ hours later the lady from our apartments with a man from the Jeep Safari trip and who couldn't speak English came knocking at our door. The lady wasn't happy that she had been woke up and had to translate for the Jeep Safari man saying œJeep Safari full no trip tomorrow. I said OK can we swap it for one of the other trips. The lady said œyou book more trips, no good, no good, you go back to trip place tomorrow and you get all your money back, give me your money and I sort trips for you. I didn't like this idea but said ok just so we could go back to bed. We decided that we would get up the next morning and after breakfast go and see Simon and hopefully sort our trips out. But before we had chance to have our breakfast Simon came to our apartments apologising and wanting to sort our trips out. So we all went into my parents apartment and sat round the table to discussed it. Unbeknown to us my Mum thought she heard something behind the door so she went to open the front door and the lady from the apartments was there with her ear to our door!! She wasn't expecting the door to open and was extremely surprised when it opened so as she was already looking down towards the floor she quickly pointed to the floor and said to my Mum œlooky looky and pointed to 2 little leaves on the floor!!
In a morning when it was a trip day for us we would wait at the front of the apartments for the bus to take us on our trip. The lady from the apartments would always ask us what trip we are doing today so we would tell her. This particular day when we said we were going on the Jeep Safari she said œoh no mucky mucky and when we arrived back at the apartments later on that day she was already there wait with her hose pipe and she washed all 8 of our feet and bottom of our legs down with the hose pipe before she let us into the apartments!!
Outside each apartment was a row of little round holes in the wall and when he looked into the round holes there was all the electric meters for each of the apartments so the lady could see who was using electricity and if they were using a lot or a little.
My Father-in-law likes to have a few coffee's in a morning when he gets up before venturing outside. So he would boil the kettle, make his coffee, drink his coffee and boil the kettle again for his next cup of coffee and so on until he's had enough. The lady from our apartments would walk straight into his apartment without knocking and pull the plug of the kettle out of the wall and say to him œtoo much coffee, no good, no good.
On an evening when we got back to our apartments my 13 and 12 year old son would sit with their Grandad, my Father-in-law, for ½ an hour before going to bed. One evening one of my son's had been to the toilet and left the light on and my other son had been in the bedroom and left the bedroom light on. The kitchen light was on because my Father-in-law was boiling the kettle for a cup of coffee before bed and my son's were in the lounge area with the lounge light on. Suddenly the lady from the apartments stormed into the apartment again without knocking and started knocking all the light switches off saying œtoo many lights, no good, no good.
During the day at about 1 “ 2 o'clock in the afternoon the lady from the apartments would tell my children to be quiet when they were playing in the pool. Myself and my husband did on a few occasions ask them to be quiet ourselves as they were getting too noisy but this was our job and not hers plus they were on holiday and sometimes they wouldn't be making a lot of noise when she was telling them to be quiet!!
When pool area was suppose to be open from 9am til 6:30pm but at 9am the lady from the apartments would be still cleaning the pool and pool area and it was closer to 10am sometimes 10:30am before our children could get into the pool. When it got to 6:30am the lady from the apartments or her Husband would come to us whether we were in the pool or just sat on the sunlounger's and tell us œpool closed now and we had to go into our apartment. But on saying this on 1-2 occasions her Husband did let us stay there til 7pm before telling us œpool closed now!! So we would go and have a lie down or nap in our apartment before getting ready to go out for our evening meal. But as soon as the pool area was vacating the lady from the apartment would start cleaning which started with knocking each of the numerous sunloungers onto their side making a clanging noise which kept you awake before hosing and wiping everything down!! One morning the lady was hosing the pool area and the cleaning lady actually slipped and fell in the pool!!
Our first day at the apartments I asked the lady if there was free wifi/internet access as everywhere in Icmeler seemed to have free wifi/internet access. The lady from the apartment said œyes but you pay £5 english pounds per week so I decided £5 per week wasn't too much money and agree so I got wifi/internet access on my mobile phone and on my laptop but it only worked round the pool area!! Then the day after we arrived at the apartments I asked the lady how much the safe in our wardrobe was. She said £2 (English Pounds) for day. So I worked out that over 14 days our bill for the safe would be £28. We actually only had the safe for 13 days though as we didn't get the key or ask for a safe til the day after we arrived!! When we went to pay the £28 (1 x £20 pound note, 1 x £5 pound note and 3 x £1 coins) for the safe 2 days before the end of our holiday the lady from the apartment's husband said they only accept notes!! If the lady from the apartments had told us £15 english pounds per week then we would have paid £30 but after they way we had been treated throughout our holiday and the fact she had told us £2 per night then she was only going to get £28 from us. So the first opportunity we got my Mother put £28 english pounds infront of the lady and said œour safe money. The lady just shrugged her shoulders!! Later that evening when we returned to the apartments my wifi/internet access had been cut off even though I had already paid for 14 days access! I believe this was cut off because we hadn't paid £30 for the safe!!
Another evening we had arranged to Skype my niece back in the UK to make sure everything was OK back home etc. We all sat around the couch and on the floor infront of the laptop which we had positioned on a chair infront of everyone so that my niece could see us all via the laptop camera. We all got excited see her on the laptop and had a long chat with her but when we got home/back to the UK my niece said œWhen you Skyped me who was the grey haired lady in the window behind you all? My niece described the lady from the apartments, who unbeknown to us most have been nosing through the window while we were Skyping my niece!!
On our last evening before we flew back home/to the UK the lady from our apartments came knocking on our door. My Husband opened it and the lady said my Husband had broke one of her sunloungers!! My Husband went to have a look and there was a small 2-3 inch crack on the head rest part of one of the sunloungers. My Husband immediately said œI haven't done that. She insisted he had and returned to our apartments 10 minutes later with an interpreter and a bill for £196. My Husband told the interpreter that he hadn't broke her sunlounger and he had asked myself, his Father and his Mother-in-Law and Father-in-Law and none of us have broke that sunlounger. This lady slams these sunloungers onto their sides so she can clean them so she could have cracked that sunlounger herself!! The interpreter just said œI'm not getting involved then and walked off. My Husband gave the lady her bill back and said œI haven't broke your sunlounger and I'm not paying that!
We didn't let these incidents ruin our holiday though and we did really enjoy Icmeler but only stay at these apartments if you haven't got any kids and have a cleaning fetish yourself.
Travel operator: Icmeler Online
18 years 7 months ago
We have visited on 3 occasions and regard the Ikiz as our home from home. The feel of the place is more residential than tourist holiday. The apartments are very spacious and have two balconies- one off living area and one off master bedroom.
They are spotlessly clean and airy. The door bells whistle like birds!The pool area is small but very pretty as the owner is an avid gardener. There are sun loungers and rustic wicker umbrellas.
There is no bar as such but the lady owner will happily provide teas coffees and beers. Our children are spoilt rotten with ice creams nuts and bowls of fruit. This is the sort of place where you get to know the locals, chew the fat and listen to the mosque which is close by.
It is located down a side street opposite the tansas. There is an excellent bar and restaurant opposite and wonderful laundry which is really cheap. They are quietly situated but in the middle of everything.
Homely sums it all up . Will be back august 2007! says it all really.
They are spotlessly clean and airy. The door bells whistle like birds!The pool area is small but very pretty as the owner is an avid gardener. There are sun loungers and rustic wicker umbrellas.
There is no bar as such but the lady owner will happily provide teas coffees and beers. Our children are spoilt rotten with ice creams nuts and bowls of fruit. This is the sort of place where you get to know the locals, chew the fat and listen to the mosque which is close by.
It is located down a side street opposite the tansas. There is an excellent bar and restaurant opposite and wonderful laundry which is really cheap. They are quietly situated but in the middle of everything.
Homely sums it all up . Will be back august 2007! says it all really.
Travel operator: diy
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