A Bad Experience
12 years 2 months ago
Went on the Norway Fjord cruise in May, Got to Southampton parked the car and went to the ship, the border customs agency would not let people board as MSC had not followed UK procedures and we sat in the departure/boarding lounge for 2.5 hours. MSC did not give any information to their customers regarding the problem or expected time of boarding (not a good start) When we finally boarded we got to our cabin clean and tidy, we went all inclusive (certainly recommended if you like a drink as the drinks are pricey) which was fine but the waiters were not quick to serve you as they do not get their 15% tips (again not a big problem)
The entertainment was not bad but very limited. When we got to the restaurant every night was the same food, Pork, Pasta, green beans on some nights carrots were available, the sweet's choice were ALWAYS the same,jelly and cakes. The late brunch was either cakes, sandwiches or Pizza. The places we visited we enjoyed. I have been on various cruises to the Caribbean,New York, Europe, Dubai, and Egypt. This is the first and only time we have had a problem with the food, and the only time we have come back from a cruise loosing weight.
I found the normal workers on the ship very polite but the Italian management thought they were superior and were never wrong. The cruise price we paid was very reasonable, but I would rather pay more and get what I would expect from a cruise and not sickness.Good luck to anyone who sails with her.We do not smoke but smoking is allowed in most bars and these are VERY smokey. We had the same problem getting off the boat MSC told us it was the fault of the boarder agency but they told us it was an MSC problem not complying with rules of disembarkation paper work.