But I just wanted to thank all those people working 'Behind The Scenes' of HT for all their hard work and dedication over the past week or so for making this Message Board look as good and as User-friendy as it does today.
I'd like to thank VAN and his excellent Team Of Moderators for all their hard work and dedication to making this Website the wonderful place it is now. It is obvious there has been some changes over the past few weeks and clearly a lot of time and effort has been put into making these changes which have, in my humble opinion, improved the Boards immensley.
The re introduction of the 'Chat Rooms' is obviously proving to be a great addition to HT, even though I do not enter them alot myself, but I am sure the Members that do really appreciate it and the addition of the little symbols alongside the main Forums Index is a nice little touch.
I'm not sure how many Members of HT, or Guests to these Forums appreciate that the Moderatrors of HT give up much of their 'Free Time' on a 'Voluntary Basis', unpaid, to keep an eye on things and to assist with the smooth daily running of this Website. Without them I'm sure that HT would not be the wonderful place that it is today

So credit where it is due.....thank you to all the Staff of HT, and please keep up the excellent work.
