Most holiday companies will not allow "unaccompanied minors" under 18 years old. Does your daughter have any friends who are 18 who could go on the holiday too? As long as the lead name on the booking is 18 or over, it should be OK for all the others to be 16/17, although some TO's could be "funny" about it.
My friends son and his friends who are 17years old going on 18years old have had terrible trouble trying to get something. They managed in the end to book flights with BMI Baby and book a hotel in Magaluf via Medhotels.
I would say the best route is DIY. Book flights with Easy or similar and a hotel with an accommodation supplier. I was investigating this earlier for the same type of party, although they were considering Disney Paris for their post GCSE do.
thanks any ideas on which is the best accomodation company to use?
Do you really feel that your 16 year olds are mature enough to go on holiday abroad without a 'responsible adult'? I would be very unhappy about this (S Keeling et al) and with so much cheap alcohol and hot sun......
And if one of them gets injured/gets ill/needs medical care?
You might find it very hard to get an insurance policy to cover these youngsters ........... and although they really only want to have a 'good time', this could affect those around them in a negative way.
Is this really a responsible way of 'celebrating' GCSEs? They are STILL young and, despite what they might think, not necessarily worldly wise ...................
Sorry to be

To be honest I don't think mine will find any cheap alcohol and sun in Disney Paris. Everytime I've been to Northern France the weather is even worse than here.

i know what your saying, i personly wouldnt trust mine but then hes a prat, these girls are very mature and sensible for their age, not quite sure what there are going to do yet, they wanted a youth hostle but everything fully bookd
if a group of 17 YO wanted to travel they can, no problem as long as all members of the parties have written consent from their parents. If a group of 17 YO and 1 18 YO wanted to travel then, again, no problem, the 18 YO would be held responsible for them.
If the group are mostly 17 and 1 16 YO then no, they cant travel... unless they have an 18 YO with them!
Complicated I know, but to be fair I dont think I would want my son (who's now almost 12)going anywhere without at least one supervising adult at that age even though he is already showing signs of being a sensible boy. SAme goes for the tour ops. They will be held responsible if anything goes wrong and they just won't take that risk.
I too would be nervous - girls on their own could be vulnerable even more so if they have a few drinks. If all parents are confident that their girls are mature enough to go then what about Menorca - it's a very quiet Island with not a great deal of teenagers - therefore the girls should be able to have a quiet holiday in the sun. I think that's about the only place I can think of that I would feel comfortable if I had a 16yr old daughter going on her own.
I don't think I'd like my lad to go before he's 18years old and even then I'd be a bag of nerves. I suppose we have to let them go at some stage but I think 16years is very young.
My son and his two friends have just returned from a 5 night break in Magaluf. He is 17, his friends were 16.The flights were booked with Thompson fly and the accomodation with Findmeaccom. On booking the accomodation they had to check the hotel would accept under 18s, and i had to provide a letter of consent to findmeaccom. They took letters of consent with them, but didn't need them. They stayed in the Royal Beach Apartments and had a fantastic time. Luckily it was in April, don't think i'd of liked him being there in the peak season, but every thing ran smoothly without any hiccups.
Glad everything went ok Stella - my son is 24 and I still worry if he goes on holiday
I was a bag of nerves whilst he was away - had to phone him everyday to make sure they were all ok. He's nearly 18 though, and you have to let them do it some time. Only problem is he's got the holiday bug now and wants to go again.
Glad it all went well Stella :tup, its nice to hear a positive report as we all ahve to let go sometime. I sometimes wonder if it is an child parent thing, rather than an age thing. My dad is 86 and I am 51 but he still worries when I go on holiday and certainly has a view on my holiday destinations abroad feeling that some are much safer than others.

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