No, I havent as yet! I'm glad you had a great holiday with ASC this year, I'm a lover of kenya albeit i have only visited twice so far! The problem I have with them is the higher up people (ie. the european owners) that are making it hard for the kenyan employees to provide customer satisfaction as they fearing their jobs if they do anythig wrong.
i know my experience was only one holiday taken last year, in comparison to the hundreds of people flying out wih them each week from the uk (and of course germany i believe), but he things i experienced were serious enough for me not to use them again. I possibly would for a cheap flight as their timings are ace, but not for accomodation as its very cheap as you know to book independently.
I would very much like to see the video, someone has sadi they will mail me a dvd but that was a while ago, i'm not in any hurry will contact yuo soon if the dvd doesnt come through the post in the next week or so.
take care
Caroline & Kirsten