They are planning a wedding, and did want to get married in Spain, but it seems rather difficult for foreign nationals to get married over there.
Which is the reason they have chosen Rome.
They are Catholic, and their UK church said that they can fill in most of the paper work here in the UK with the church, then the church will send it to Rome.
I am after a bit of advice regarding where to stay in Rome, and will there be any suitable transport to get them from the hotel to the church in Rome?
They dont want anything expensive, just a low key wedding really, im sure theyd settle for a taxi

As you may have figured, im helping my friend to organise the finer details, as she doesnt like using internet chatrooms like this - not sure why, as its been of a great benefit to me this past few years.
They would also like to go on from Rome after a few days to a type of 'beach resort'. Are there any of these in Italy? I have never been before, so i have very limited knowledge.
Thanks very much