For the past 2 years we have gone to Olu and stayed at the Karbel. Last year turned out to be such a great deal for us in the August school hols as I booked the flights with Aegean the year before. (Am thinking of doing the same for next year ~ are they likely to release them soon and be at such good rates?)
But, I want to go on holiday in August this year too. Now, I haven't been able to book anything as yet due to some difficult family things, but I want to go with my 8 year old back to Turkey, would love to go back to Olu, but think its time for a change. So . . .my question is . . .any suggestions about where . . .people have suggested Icmler but....this is what we would be seeking and I would love for any suggestions, feedback, and also if there are particular places to look at staying, who's best to book thro to get a good deal.
Our "needs"
~ self catering or maybe B & B hotel preferably ~ apartments would be ok as long as it was a family based one and there were things for my son to do
~ do not need kids clubs at the hotel but do need a pool or two (if they have waterslides even better), but also other things to do such as pool, maybe even "mini golf" (My 8 year olds first love on holiday and the only thing he didnt like about Olu LOL)
~ nice beach, sandy preferably, but one that is nice to relax on with perhaps a less difficult entry than Olu LOL
~ restaurants and bars ~ just a nice selection, I always eat local when I go away, but my son is incredibly fussy and wont so need to have places which will serve both, obviously dont need clubs, but we did like the ability in Olu to crash out on the bean bags on the beach with a drink and watch the sunset etc before dinner
~ places to see, and trips available
~ a town to walk around in in the evening, just to "potter", shops etc. Somewhere with the weekly market
~ As a single parent I like to feel "safe" and always did in Olu, but I also would like to know that there will be other kids for my son to play with so I can relax, and as I have to pay adult prices for him and having just had a big outlay in money, budget is going to be a little tight this year.
What I DONT want
Is to be in a resort which is like being in Blackpool but in the sun. We've been to Cyprus, Ibiza and a couple of other places which ended up being like that and it wasn't nice! Dont mind big resorts as such, but, dont want it crowded and certainly dont want to be invaded by a young 18-30 crowd.
Also just to say, Ive only had one negative experiences with being "hassled" in Turkey, but am quite able to stand my ground, so this isn't something that would overly put me off a resort if it met the other requirements

I LOVED Olu, and if I could pick it up and move it to a different part so there were other things to do I would...as its not an option I am looking for an alternative.
So any thoughts, suggestions, ideas would be wonderfully appreciated. I just need to be like this . . .

Many thanks
Edited by
2009-05-14 09:17:55