Has anyone else on HT got a memory going back as far as mine?
Yes, I can remember the really elegant Britannia Airways dark blue/white livery with the lady on the tail.
But I can remember even further back.
To the Thomson TV ad with the seagull.
To the days when ordinary Thomson brochures actually offered holidays to "Foothills of the Himalayas" and "city breaks in Russia".
Yes - they really did!
I took my first package holiday 37 years ago - two weeks in Ibiza, full board at a 4 star hotel, flying out of Newcastle - total cost 50 quid a head.
(plus 6 pounds fuel surcharge because something political was going on in oil producing countries)
The plane was, I guess, a 737/100 - it was 5 hours late I remember, and in those days the concept of free meal vouchers wasn't even a dream.
You were allowed to go up into the open air on the airport roof to watch the planes and, since terrorists hadn't really been invented, there were virtually no security precautions. X-rays, metal detectors, liquid restrictions etc didn't exist. They did weigh your luggage at checkin but, provided one could lift it without too much risk of a double hernia, they didn't do weight surcharges.
All the seats on the plane had little ashtrays, and most folk smoked during the flight.
Lots of interesting European currencies existed, I've still got a box of useless coins. And you were severely restricted in how much money you were allowed to take out of the UK. They actually stamped all of your currency conversions into your (old big blue) passport.
ATMs virtually didn't exist and credit cards were things used only by Americans.
In Spain Franco was still boss - so certain topics of discussion by the beach bar were off limits.
"Viva Espana" had recently been a hit, the Chicken Song had yet to come in the future.
And a large, very strong Bacardi and coke cost 20 pesetas - there were 150 pesetas to the pound!
Anyone else got ancient holiday memories?
My first holiday in Spain was in 1965 when I went on a 10day package to Calella, it cost 19guineas (anyone remember guineas?) the hotel was OK, quite luxurious really as the room had it's own bathroom which wasn't common in those days, but the food was awful. In spite of the food I thoroughly enjoyed the holiday and returned home very suntanned and broke.
Since then I have travelled the world to some weird and wonderful places and seen some awesome sights but rarely does anything measure up to the excitement I felt when I took those first few holidays abroad.
When I was a child only the very rich went abroad on holiday and although I dreamed of visiting faraway places I never really thought I would. The advent of cheap package holidays in the 60's opened up a wide world for me and many of my generation.
we went on the "dunera" and visited trondheim, andalsnes, bergen and copenhagen.
many happy memories including my first foreign girlfriend, a trait which i seem to have pursued over the years, and playing football with some danish kids somewhere in copenhagen (the scots won).
also remember going to tenerife in a danair plane where i could only get into the seat space by having my bum half way up the back of the seat as the leg room was so small. that was when i first discovered the benefits of emergency row seating
many happy memories of smoking on planes, including once on cyprus airways when they had a smoking section that ended in the row behind where we were sat.everyone around us was moaning about not being able to smoke, so i moved the sign, which was on a runner above the seats, forward by a row so we could smoke, and this sign was subsequently moved further forward by eveyone in the rows in front of us. by the time the stewaress realised what had happened the sign was 3/4 of the way up the plane. she did try to get everyone to stop smoking, but in the end she just smiled and gave up.

I first ventured into Europe in 1968 when I was just a few weeks old as Dad was based in Germany..we were out there a few years and we holidayed in Europe..always going on one of them old style hippy buses type things. We only ever flew on military flights..I can remember my brother being put in some sort of crib box type thing that was actually strapped above the seats in the place where the luggage rack is nowadays! (should have left him there too..whiny little baby brat he was!

I didn't have my first proper holiday holiday from England abroad until 1982 when I flew over to the USA to stay with my pen friend for the 6 weeks holidays!
Next holiday was some years later. Husband had a rare day off while I was at work and he had gone to to the pub. When I came home he handed me a receipt from the Travel Agents but only for the amount paid - no details. I had to phone the Travel Agents next day and say that my husband had booked a holiday but couldn't remember where. It turned out it was to Benidorm and in spite of the bad location of the hotel we have been hooked on the resort ever since
We went on a 16 day eastern mediteranean cruise in 1971,it was for our honeymoon and it cost us £113 each.The tour operator was called Clarksons,their planes were painted in lovely colours.The next year we went for a weeks cruise again with them,we arrived at the airport expecting to be flown to Rimini to join the ship,when we was told it had broken down in Tunisia and they were flying us there to sail that evening,2 days later we sailed !!and visited Naples,Sicilly,and Malta,it cost us £70 and they refunded half our money back for the inconvenience,shame they went bust after that.
My 1st foreign holiday was a cruise with the school. I think it was in 1971 and cost £84 for 2 weeks. We sailed on the SS Uganda to Gibraltar, Barcelona, Pisa, Florence & Lisbon. Our 1st family holiday was in the Easter of the following year, to the Taurus Park Hotel in Pineda de Mar in the Costa Brava. I had a picture taken on the steps going up to the plane, & I can't believe I was wearing a suede & sheepskin jacket
And having your photo taken as you descended the aeroplane steps in the resort, then when you went back to the airport to return home, they were all up on a board, in glorious black and white!
We went to Reus airport in 2000, and were tickled to find them still doing this (with colour photos) as it seemed to have died out years before.
first holiday,1967,two weeks in palma majorca,£49 full board.myself and two mates.i am sure we went with clarksons,which i think later changed to court lines.in palma there was the passeo maritimo(the front).if we wanted to go on a beach we had to go to either arenal or palma nova.everything was very cheap then,pesetas.we must have enjoyed it because we went the next three years,with the number of lads increasing each year.
First foreign holiday was in the seventies to Palma Nova booked with Global Holidays. I think it cost in the region of £300 for two adults and child for one week HB.Enjoyed it immensely. Everything seemed very cheap especially the drinks! Could not really afford to drink much at home. Did not have another holiday abroad until the eighties with a company called Intasun to Malta ( St Julians) I think it was about £139 each. Have been lucky enough to travel a lot since those days but those first holidays will always be extra special.
The Spanish airports all had photographers ready for flights as passengers disembarked......these photos of you walking down the aircraft steps were placed on a wall in the airport for your return flight home tho' I don't recall us ever purchasing them.....shame really as they'd probably give us a good laugh now!
Can remember flying with Britannia (when the lady with the fork was on the tail fin) and Dan Air
I remember one flight home I had one of those hideous safety dubious Spanish Donkeys and it went on the plane as hand luggage.....I would LOVE to know how many illegal drugs were transported thru' Europe in those things during the seventies. How many kids were injured by loose eyes, tacks and toxic fur I have no idea.....probably death traps when you look back!
I certainly remember x-ray machines in airports both here and abroad and the viewing platforms to sit and watch the planes....it was massive at PMI.
Loved getting Coca Cola in a glass bottle and eating 007 crisps and Chupa Chup lollies and spending our pesetas....seem to recall the pinball machine costing 5 pesetas a go.
I can remember these were the days when there was pretty much no such thing as a British Bar (think we found our first one in Ca'n Pastilla in 1979 called the Bar Belafor) but some Spanish bars had cottoned on to the fact that some of us were wary of foreign food and stuck beans on toast on the menu so we didn't starve.
In those days you didn't hear of anyone going self catering....it was always to a hotel and was either half or full board and there was ALWAYS some well dodgy entertainment!
Can remember sleeping on the airport floor as we always seemed to get caught up in some flight delay or another. On one occasion I went out of Malaga airport with my Dad to a transport cafe and we brought back ham filled baguettes wrapped in tin foil during one particularly long delay as they were cheaper than the airport. In those days you put up and shut up with delays.
Ahhhhhh......those were the days!
Edited by
2010-08-28 20:00:23
we would usually spend 2 weeks in menorca during the school holidays, flying to mahon from manchester during the 1980's, terminal 1 at manchester (then it was the only terminal!) had the most amazing crystal chandelier light fittings, i used to think they were so pretty, we always flew with brittania airways, and i used to sit there looking at all of the stewardesses, in their red beret hats and matching leather gloves, and their absolutely huge shoulder pads in royal blue jackets thinking 'i want to be like that when i grow up' take off when you are 5 felt like you were actually in a rocket ship, and i remember sitting next to my dad, who would smoke Hamlet cigars on the flight!!!
one of my fondest memories was the tape of music that britannia used to play as you boarded the flight, it always included ''summer breeze'' by the isley borthers, and to this day, as i approach the age of 30, that song still reminds me of our lovely family holdidays, it's always on my ipod for my holidays and it takes me back like it was yesterday!

Now we take it for granted that, providing we can afford it of course, we can get on a plane and fly to Australia as easily as if it was Spain, creating even more memories.

Tarry, I think I would prefer not to have quite so MANY memories!

I didn't go abroad all these years ago, but even in the late eightys or early ninetys going on holiday flying with Air 2000 and being given a wee printed menu with meals like prawn cocktail as a starter. I do not remember the main course or dessert, but since prawns are my favourite dish, I do remember that. Change days!
Air 2000 breakfasts were a legend....best EVER inflight meals!
Tarry.....dont feel bad...this lot r so old even I werent born when they was goin on hols!!!
My first holiday abroad was when I was about 10 and we went to the Agua Azul in Benidorm. I have no idea if its still around. It was right next to an open air cinema- bad choice! I was really ill after my first taste of asparagus! My little sister ended up having to see a doctor( and no we didn't go for compensation!) and middle sister stood on glass in the swimming pool and you would have thought she had bitten by a shark, there was so much blood. Great days!

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